Go Back to School with Torah Tzivah

Are you a parent busy buying school supplies for your child’s first day of school? Or an educator preparing your classroom for the influx of new children? To help facilitate this fresh start, SIE released Torah Tzivah — To Cherish the Torah, a chinuch resource for parents and educators alike.

As children are now heading back into the classrooms, Sichos in English is excited to release Torah Tzivah — To Cherish the Torah, excerpted from the upcoming The Life of a Jewish Child, featuring the Rebbe’s messages on the Twelve Pesukim

This intriguing booklet has the parents and educators in mind. It hones in on the Rebbe’s message on how to empower children to cherish the Torah, owning it for themselves. The Rebbe made clear that children possess the capacity to hold a personal connection of their own with the Torah and that they should feel that they are able to access it at all times.

The previously released excerpts of The Life of a Jewish Child have been met with enthusiasm and a desire for more. “Baruch Hashem, in the last few months since this project debuted, I have heard from countless parents and educators about the tremendous relevancy it has for them,” says Rabbi Shmuly Avtzon, director of Sichos in English. A unique feature of this series is that it presents real-to-life scenarios and gives practical tips founded on the principles contained in the relevant pasuk.

Gain insight into the Rebbe’s approach to the chinuch of young children and explore the roadmap to Jewish education with this incredible and comprehensive resource. Click here to explore this wealth of knowledge and insight, bringing the lessons straight into your home.

May this chinuch that we provide to our children lead them to taking it to heart, until ultimately, we will watch them as they be the first ones to point and proclaim Mashiach’s arrival, bemeheirah beyameinu, Amen!

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