Mrs. Luba Pinson, 100, AH

Mrs. Leah (Luba) Pinson, wife of the 770 Gabbai Rabbi Yehoshua Pinson, passed away on Sunday morning, 17 Elul, 5783.

Mrs. Leah (Luba) Pinson, wife of the 770 Gabbai Rabbi Yehoshua Pinson, passed away on Sunday morning, 17 Elul, 5783.

She was 100 years old.

She was born in Haditch, Ukraine and trained as a doctor. She later lived in Samarkand where she helped many Lubavitcher Chassidim with her medical expertise. After immigrating to Kfar Chabad, she continued working in the medical field.

She was very active in chessed work helping people with clothing and other essentials. She had an open house and made many Baalei Teshuva.

The Levaya will take place Sunday, passing 770 Eastern Parkway at 2:00 PM. Burial at Montefiore cemetery in Queens.

Baruch Dayan Haemes.

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