Live: Chabad Sofrim Gather for Hakhel in Crown Heights

Live Now: A Hakhel gathering is being held in Crown Heights for all Lubavitcher Sofrei Stam in connection with the month of Elul, addressed by leading Rabbonim and Sofrim.

A Hakhel gathering will be held Thursday night in Crown Heights for all Lubavitcher Sofrei Stam in connection with the month of Elul. It will addressed by leading Rabbonim and Sofrim.

The event will be addressed by Rabbi Yosef Braun of the Crown Heights Beis Din, Rabbi Sholom Dovber Levine, chief librarian of the Chabad Library, mashpia Rabbi Michoel Seligson, expert Sofer Rabbi Yosef Y. Altein, and Rabbi Menachem Kahn, Rosh Kollel of Kollel Mayan Chai of Flatbush and author of a sefer of hilchos stam.

Thursday night, 14 Elul, at Kollel Menachem, at 8:30 PM.

Light refreshments will be served.

Topic: Safrus. Shiur’s passcode 123
Time: Aug 31, 2023, 08:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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Meeting ID: 876 5344 5353
Passcode: 123

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  1. Most sofrim qualified to write tefillin and mezuzos are not qualified to check them.

    Checking requires a lot of training and shimush and is very complex. A few years extra at least before being reliable.

    I wish the rabbonim and powers that be would regulate and endorse who is properly qualified for checking. Right now it is a joke, any one claiming to be a sofer can check your tefillin and mess them up. One tikun not done according to halacha and they are possul for life and no one will ever know!!! Not to mention not knowing many of the different complex issues that come up on checking. It’s serious stuff!

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