R’ Dovid Krasnjanski, 88, AH

R’ Dovid Krasnjanski, who was advised by the Rebbe to serve as an engineer for the US Navy in Philadelphia, and who was known for his love of learning, passed away. Levaya and shiva on Erev Yom Kippur.



L’Chaim: Seror – Cohen

Photos: David Katash/Anash.org

The L’Chaim of Chimon Seror of Netanya, Eretz Yisroel, and Esther Cohen of Versailles, France, took place Tuesday night at the Lincoln Place Shul.


Last Few Hours: Don’t Miss Out!

Hurry, you still have a chance to make a meaningful pledge before Yom Kippur. Join us now in seeking blessings for “Children, health, and livelihood in abundance”!


He Chose Heaven Over Earth

Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: Can we find areas in our lives where we’re willing to forego materialism for the sake of spirituality? For some, it may be closing their business in order to keep Shabbos, and for others, it may be closing their phone in order to daven properly.


“Rebbe! I Can’t Deal With Him!”

Climbed up to the Alter Rebbe‘s second-floor window, R. Yekusiel Lyepler cried out, “Rebbe! Cut out my left side! I can’t deal with him!” From that moment on, he became a different person and his neshama shone intensely – in surprising moments.


Mrs. Phyllis Pozepoff, AH

Mrs. Phyllis Pozepoff, a beloved mother and grandmother from Los Angeles, CA, passed away on Friday, 7 Tishrei, 5783.


Download and Print: Anash.org Shabbos Digest

Download and print for your Shabbos reading pleasure: The Anash.org Shabbos Digest presents the top stories, commentary, opinions, and columns from the past week, in a print-friendly format.


Locals and Guests at Yahrzeit Farbrengen in 770

Photos: Yossi Kurant/Anash.org

The benches of 770 were filled to capacity with locals and guests who joined the farbrengen marking the 59th yahrzeit of Rebbetzin Chana Scheerson, mother of the Rebbe.


Baby Boy
ז׳ תשרי ה׳תשפ״ד - September 22, 2023

Eshel Hosts Meals in Large Tent as Tishrei Guests Grow

Photos: Dovber Hechtman

The Eshel Hachnosas Orchim organization, which hosts guests coming to the Rebbe for Tishrei, set up a large tent in the parking lot of Oholei Torah to accommodate the larger-than-ever crowd this year.


L’Chaim: Lefkowitz – Hendel

Photos: David Katash/Anash.org

The L’Chaim of Yehuda Lefkowitz of Boro Park, NY to Devora Hendel of Marine Park, NY took place Wednesday night at Ulam Chana.


How Parnassa Is Dictated

Traveling to the Rebbe, spending time in 770, has always been a cornerstone in the ruchniusdike life of a chossid. In one exchange, the Rebbe explained how this can also affect one’s livelihood.


Baby Boy
ז׳ תשרי ה׳תשפ״ד - September 22, 2023

Cash Inserted Into My Pocket on Yom Tov Mivtzoim?

Anash.org feature: Dayan Levi Yitzchok Raskin, Rov of Anash in London, explores interesting Torah questions and halachic dilemmas including marking a page for after Shabbos, cash inserted into my pocket on Yom Tov mivtzoim, and choosing between Sukkah or Lulav.

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