First Ever Menorah Parade in Marine Park

Photos: Dovber Hechtman/

For the very first time, dozens of cars topped with brightly lit LED Menorahs paraded the local streets of Marine Park (Brooklyn), bringing the light and joy of Chanukah to every part of the neighborhood.  

Photos: Dovber Hechtman/

For the very first time, dozens of cars topped with brightly lit LED Menorahs paraded the local streets of Marine Park (Brooklyn), bringing the light and joy of Chanukah to every part of the neighborhood.  

“Because of the situation in Israel, people were very excited to express their Yiddishkeit in this original way and join the parade” said Rabbi Levi Hendel, director of Chabad Marine Park.

The parade culminated with the lighting of the Menorah in Brooklyn’s biggest park, Marine Park.

Thank you to the NYPD and Shmira for keeping the parade moving smoothly and safely.

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