War Summary, Day Eighty Eight: The IDF eliminated Adel Msammah, the company commander of Hamas’s elite Nukhba force, Hamas didn’t manage to fire any rockets onto Israel today, Gaza border communities that are in the area between four to seven kilometers away from Gaza will soon begin to return home.
Students Leave Auschwitz with Renewed Sense of Commitment
Amidst the current challenges on campuses worldwide, Chabad on Campus students on the LivingLinks trip walked out of Auschwitz determined to stand firm and proud in their commitment to Yiddishkiet.
Mrs. Rivkah Barber, 83, AH
Mrs. Rivkah Maatel Barber, wife of R’ Yitzchok Barber a”h and matriarch of a large Chabad family, passed away on Chof Teves, 5784.
Bochurim from the Mir Are Yearning to Learn Chassidus
Founded on Gimmel Tammuz 5780, Maayan Menachem has blossomed into a beacon of Chassidic learning and connection for American bochurim and yungeleit spending the year in Eretz Yisroel.
LEC Miami Honors Teachers Who Follow in the Rambam’s Ways
In honor of the Rambam’s yartzeit, Lubavitch Educational Center’s Boys Elementary School in Florida commended three of their teachers who also volunteer with Hatzalah as EMTs.
Bochur’s Stubbornness Paid Off
When a bunk at CGI Melbourne set out to go canoeing, one of the bochurim insisted on bringing his tefillin, even though the others discouraged it. This is what ended up happening.
Emunah’s Traveling Camp Offers Unique Opportunities
Camp Emunah’s traveling shluchos program, Brings Heaven Down to Earth! An incredible opportunity for tenth graders to experience the rich taste and relevance of shlichus, enjoy fantastic trips, and live the summer of their dreams!
A Daring Trip Behind The Iron Curtain
The latest Derher for Kids episode is a real drama. A young bochur is sent to Russia on a dangerous and secretive mission to help Jewish families escape the oppressive soviet regime.
Wedding: Cohen – Bassali
The wedding of Yekoutiel Cohen of Montreal, Canada and Naomi Bassali of Milan, Italy was held Sunday night at Oholei Torah Ballroom.
Registration Opens For Kinus Tzeirei Hashluchos
The Shluchim Office opens registration for the Kinus Tzeirei Hashluchos, a long-awaited highlight for Young Shluchos living around the world, with both in-person and virtual tracks.
Sephardic Community in Crown Heights Marks Triple Hiloula
A triple Hiloula, marking the yahrzeits of the Rambam, the Alter Rebbe and Rabbi Yaacov Abuhatzeira, was celebrated on Sunday night in Crown Heights.
20 Teves: Yahrzeit of the Rambam
In 5744 the Rebbe launched a one-of-a-kind global initiative, uniting each and every Jew, from the wise to the simple, by studying the entire Torah – and specifically halachos.
War Day 87: 2 Sentries Stabbed, American Aircraft Carrier Leaving
War Summary, Day Eighty Seven: Two security guards were lightly wounded in a stabbing attack near the Mishor Adumim industrial zone, the Gerald R. Ford American aircraft carrier will leave the Mediterranean Sea in the coming days, and guidelines change to allow gatherings of up to 15,000 people in most parts of Israel.
Massive Pro-Palestinian Crowd To Flood JFK On New Year
There will be a large Pro-Palestinian protest at the departure area of terminal 4 in JFK airport. Anyone with travel plans for Monday is advised to take appropriate precautions.
Live: Annual Event Commemorating Triple Hiloula
Live: Merkaz Sefarad Chabad holds event commemorating the multiple Hiloulos that occur around this auspicious time.
Kingston, PA: The Meteoric Growth of a “Small” Community
Just a couple of years ago, the name ‘Kingston, Pennsylvania’ was synonymous with “small community.” Today, the community is more closely associated with the opposite: Breathtaking expansion and astonishing growth.
How One Man is Bringing Thousands to the Rebbe Each Month
Two years ago, Crown Heights yungerman Yossi Rosenberg realized that many were not visiting the Ohel as much as they would have liked due to the lack of transportation. He set about revolutionizing the field and is going strong.
Russian Missiles Kill Jewish Man in Kharkov
Kharkov was hit with a barrage of over 20 rockets on Friday morning, killing a number of people, including Artem Reznik, a young Jewish 30 year old and only child of Marina who is active in the Jewish community.
Internet Filters Are Only Part of the Picture
“Filters are a funny thing. In and of themselves they are ineffective in protecting children. They are like seatbelts – important, and you need to use them, but they don’t teach you to drive.” Article by Eli Schapiro – founder of the Digital Citizenship Project.
Fallen IDF Soldier Was Courageous Rescuer of Jewish Women
After the death of IDF Captain Harel Sharvit, hy”d, who recently fell in action in Gaza, Yad L’achim revealed that he was a veteran volunteer who took part in efforts to extricate Jewish women and children from Arab villages.
Shliach Will Read Names in Haditch on Alter Rebbe’s Yahrzeit
Hundreds will mark the yahrzeit of the Alter Rebbe in Haditch on Friday. You can submit names for prayer at the Ohel and Rabbi Zalman Deitch will mention them at the Alter Rebbe’s tziyun on this auspicious day.
Levaya Held for Rabbi Moshe Aaron Kasinetz
The levaya for Rabbi Moshe Aaron Kasinetz, founder of the orthodox community in Livingston, New Jersey, passed by 770 on Sunday afternoon.
Buy a Helmet – Save a Soldier’s Life!
Mrs. Bruria Efune, author of the daily war updates column enjoyed by thousands of Anash.org readers daily, has a personal request to help out a family friend who is leading a unit of combat engineering soldiers inside Gaza.
Donating a Kidney: Allowed or Obligated?
Ask the Rov: Am I allowed or perhaps obligated to donate a kidney?