Prepare for Yud Alef Nissan with These Resources

This Friday, Yud Alef Nissan, Chassidim around the world will celebrate the Rebbe’s 122nd birthday, a day the Rebbe referred to as “my day” – “Meiner A Tog.”

This week on Friday, Yud Alef Nissan, Chassidim around the world will celebrate the Rebbe’s 122nd birthday, a day the Rebbe referred to as “my day” – “Meiner A Tog.” 

A day that marks the birth of the Nossi Hador, the day that his bright light began illuminating the world, is a special day for every Yid and indeed for every person of this generation. As the Rebbe said regarding the birthday of the Frierdiker Rebbe in the famous Sicha of Yud Beis Tammuz 5722, “This is the reason that the Rebbe’s birth was such a monumental event, as we read in the Megillah, ‘These days are remembered and kept.’ These days are remembered and celebrated, every year. Every year the Rebbe’s birthday is an occasion for immense joy and celebration, not only for those who had the Zechus to learn the Rebbe’s Torah, but for every single Yid, because this is the day that the Rebbe began lighting up the world.”

As the day swiftly approaches and Chassidim around the world search for ways to prepare for the day and celebrate accordingly, Vaad Or Vechom Hahiskashrus is pleased to share their resource site filled with hundreds of interesting articles in English and HebrewvideosSichos, and more connected with celebrating the birthday of the Rebbe. Browse the full site at

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