Five Rare Recordings of Personal Yechidusen Released

At the wedding of the Kramer and Friedman families, which took place on Sunday in Crown Heights, a unique teshura was distributed: five rare recordings of private Yechidus with the Rebbe.

At the wedding of the Kramer and Friedman families, which took place on Sunday in Crown Heights, a unique teshura was distributed: five rare recordings of private Yechidus with the Rebbe.

The first yechidus is that of a bochur on 4 Sivan, 5728. In the recording, the Rebbe can be heard discussing various topics, including shidduchim and the importance of diligent Torah study in yeshiva.

Another yechidus with a couple took place on 3 Kislev, 5732. The third took place on 28 Adar II, 5733, also involving a couple.

The fourth is with a chosson and kalla in Av, 5730, and the fifth is with a bochur in Cheshvan 5729.

Alongside the recordings, Yiddish transcripts were published of the Rebbe’s words.

Yechidus 1:

Yechidus 2:

Yechidus 3:

Yechidus 4:

Yechidus 5:


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