As excitement mounts for the monumental Siyum HaRambam, set to take place just before Yud Alef Nissan on Eastern Parkway, organizers have introduced an innovative website to support smaller, community-based Siyumim.
60 Anash Test Successfully in Daily Gemara Program
Nearly 60 Anash from around the United States took the first test of Taanis, a part of the daily Gemara study program which began a new Masechta last month.
You Remember David, Don’t You?
A new issue of N’shei Chabad Newsletter profiles Mrs. Hensha Gansbourg, NCN’s first graphic artist in the 1980s, David Nesenoff and his new book, “I Never Met the Rebbe Many Times,” and Rabbi Mottel Friedman’s work.
Ukraine’s Jewish Soldiers to Receive Mishloach Manos
In an unprecedented move, over 1,000 Purim gift packages are set to be delivered to Jewish soldiers stationed on the front lines in Ukraine.
South Florida Rejoices with New Torah for Ainsworth Couple
Gallery 2: The South Florida community gathered in Hallandale Beach, Florida, to welcome a new Torah in memory of Tzvi and Itty Ainsworth AH, who perished in the Surfside Champlain Towers two and a half years ago.
Our Communities
Hourly Megilla Readings for Women at 770
For the first time, the 770 shul will be hosting hourly Megilla readings for women. The readings will take place in the coffee room of the Eastern Parkway women’s section.
770 Bochurim Launch Campaign for Pesach Expenses
On Monday night, bochurim leaning in the yeshiva at 770 launched a campaign to fundraise for Kupas Bochurim, a fund that supports bochurim with their year-round and Pesach needs.
War Day 165: Two Shin Bet Officers Injured, Houthi Missile Hits Israel
War Summary, Day One Hundred and Sixty Five: A terrorist opened fire near the Gush junction and injured two Shin Bet officers, the IDF cleared that the “suspicious aerial target” which struck an area north of Eilat on Monday was a Houthi missile, and a new brigade which will operate on Israel’s borders with Syria and Lebanon called the Mountains Brigade was launched.
Shabbos Avos U’Banim at Yeshivas Lubavitch Toronto
Dozens of fathers traveled from far and near to spend Shabbos in Toronto’s Yeshiva Gedola Zal where they felt nostalgia and gratitude to unite with their sons in a yeshiva experience.
Pulling Out Teeth for Cosmetic Looks? feature: Dayan Levi Yitzchok Raskin, Rov of Anash in London, explores interesting Torah questions and halachic dilemmas including brocho after harmful foods, dental implant from a cadaver, pulling out teeth for cosmetic reasons, and rolling one’s beard on Shabbos.
Chabad on Campus Students Complete Trip to Poland
This past week, 60 students from 35 campuses partook in the Chabad on Campus International LivingLinks trip to Poland, where they gained a new sense of responsibility and commitment to Yiddishkeit.
Outrage in Boro Park Over Shul’s Unauthorized Destruction
After new shul members sold the historic Anshei Lubawitz shul building to a developer, they allowed them to bulldoze right through it before beis din and civil courts gave their verdicts. Now, everything is in jeopardy.
Shechuna App, Unite for Crown Heights Megillah Readings
Shechuna App, a newly-launched digital guide to Crown Heights, and community website have joined forces to ensure that every resident has easy access and knowledge of Megillah readings throughout the neighborhood.
Shul Representatives Decide on Elections Date Before Shavuos
Preparations continue to advance toward the first election for directors of the Vaad Hakahal and Jewish Community Council in 14 years. Shul representatives have decided that the elections will be held on Sunday, June 2nd – 25 Iyar, 5784.
New Shluchim to Summit, New Jersey
Rabbi Mendy and Chana Marasow have been appointed by Rabbi Moshe Herson as the first shluchim to Summit, New Jersey, bringing the total of New Jersey Chabad Houses to 70.
Levaya Held for R’ Reuven Woonteiler
The levaya for R’ Reuven Woonteiler AH, a longtime resident of Crown Heights, passed by 770 on Tuesday afternoon on the way to the cemetery.
Project Gaaguim Produces Heartfelt Tune of Yearning
‘Project Gaaguim’ by Rabbi Menachem Amar released a new track in his collection of original and authentic niggunim. Known by some as “Shin Alef,” it is a heartfelt tune of yearning.
R’ Reuven Woonteiler, 66, AH
R’ Reuven Woonteiler, a longtime resident of Crown Heights, passed away on Monday night, 9 Adar II, 5784, after a long illness.
Hallandale Streets Rejoiced with New Torah in Memory of Surfside Couple
The Ainsworth family and the South Florida community gathered in Hallandale Beach, Florida, to welcome a new Torah in memory of Tzvi and Itty Ainsworth AH, who perished in the Surfside Champlain Towers two and a half years ago.
Preparations Begin for New Vaad Hakohol Elections
After 14 years, preparations are underway for elections for a new Vaad Hakohol. The rabbonim of the Crown Heights Beis Din have issued a letter supporting the elections and outline its process.
“Nisht Andersh!”: Chassidus Chabad Relocates to America
On Tes Adar II, 5700 (1940), the Frierdiker Rebbe disembarked at the New York harbor after a miraculous rescue from Nazi-occupied Poland. On this day, the center of Chabad Chassidus was transferred onto American soil.
War Day 164: Huge Raid on Shifa Hospital, Airstrikes on Rafah
War Summary, Day One Hundred and Sixty Four: The IDF began the operation in Shifa Hospital on Sunday night after significant intelligence pointed to Hamas again using the hospital as a terror center, late Monday night heavy airstrikes were reported in Rafah, and senior Hamas terrorist named Faiq Mabhouh, who served as the head of operations in Hamas’s internal security, was eliminated.
Unique ‘Kumzing’ Performance Makes First Appearance in America
For the first time, the ‘Kumzing’ performance, a combination of a kumzitz and concert popular in Eretz Yisroel, has made its way to America. Hosted at the luxurious Ritz Theatre, 3,000 gathered for an evening of unity and song.