
War Day 108: Bogus Hostage Deal Offered, 15 Million Shekel Found

War Summary, Day One Hundred and Eight: Hamas offered to return all 110 hostages if Israel ‘ends the war, let’s them retain control over Gaza, removes all Israeli troops, and frees all Hamas prisoners’, the naval unit assists in the attacks in Gaza, and fifteen million shekel were found in terrorists homes.


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From Public School to the OU

The head of the fish division at OU Kosher grew up learning in Public School. Here are the details of his fascinating story.


300-Plus Bochurim Take Final Halikut Test in New York

Photos: Mendi Dahan/

Over three hundred Chabad bochurim gathered at Chabad of Great Neck, NY on Sunday afternoon to take the final test of this year’s Halikut program, which had bochurim study and review Chelek Lamed of Likkutei Sichos.


CYP Shabbaton Concludes With Moving Program at the Ohel

The CYP Encounter Crown Heights Shabbaton, that saw more than 600 young Jewish professionals come from around the world, concluded with an inspirational event at the Ohel where participants had the opportunity to reflect on their experiences and take on positive resolutions for the future.


Alumni Reconnect At New Haven Zal Reunion

Photos: Shalom Ross/

Several years of alumni of Yeshivas Beis Dovid Shlomo in New Haven gathered in Crown Heights for a Yeshiva reunion, with members of the yeshiva staff.


4000 Bochurim Pack 770 for ‘Hour With the Rebbe’

Photos: Nehoray Edri/

A record 4,000 from 54 Chabad yeshivos gathered in 770 on Motzei Shabbos – Yud Shevat, for ‘An Hour with the Rebbe’ program where they joined together to watch a video collection of sichos and niggunim.


L’Chaim: Piekarski – Brod

Photos: Shalom Ross/

The L’Chaim of Shneur Piekarski of Aventura, FL and Mushki Brod of Stockton, CA was held Thursday night at the Jewish Children’s Museum.


Chazan Tzvi Hersh Tsatskis, 85, AH

Chazan Tzvi Hersh Tsatskis, who learned music in the Soviet Union and went on to sing Jewish songs in America, and sang many times while the Rebbe distributed kos shel bracha, passed away.


Baby Girl
י״א שבט ה׳תשפ״ד - January 20, 2024

Live: Thousands of Bochurim Gather for Kinus Hatmimim

Join Live at 9:00 PM: Thousands of bochurim from Yeshivos all around the world will gather Motzei Shabbos Yud Shevat for the annual Kinus Hatmimim. This year’s event will feature a four-part film series exploring the Rebbe’s calling to bochurim.


Live: Global Yud Shevat Zoom Farbrengen

Join live at 8:30 PM ET: A virtual Zoom chassidishe farbrengen marking 74 years of the Rebbe’s nesius will feature Rabbis Boruch Hertz, Moishe New, Mendel Rubin, and Mendel Kaplan.


Live: An Hour With the Rebbe in 770

Join Live Now: A record 54 yeshivos are gathered in 770 to join the ‘An Hour with the Rebbe’ program, with a presentation of sichos of the Rebbe, niggunim sung by the Rebbe and more.


The Rebbe’s Words Surprised These Barbados Rabbis

Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: We’ve recently seen how thousands of Yidden who once claimed to want nothing to do with Hashem have now embraced Him. It’s sad that this came through such tragic circumstances, but let it be an inspiration to never give up on bringing Hashem’s presence to every single yid.


The Matriarch of Lubavitch: Wise, Sensitive, and Loyal

A prominent figure in Lubavitch, Rebbetzin Rivkah, whose 110th yahrtzeit is on Yud Shvat, was known for her wisdom and storytelling, as well as her sensitivity and kindness. Her admiration for her husband, the Rebbe Maharash, was so exceptional that she never sat while he stood and didn’t disturb him when her dress got caught in the door…

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