Chassidim Celebrated the Rebbe’s Birthday with Farbrengens

Members of the Mayonei Yisroel Chassidus network marked the Rebbe’s birthday through farbrengens with community and guest mashpiim, while the children were tested by mashpia R’ Zalman Gopin.

Members of the Mayonei Yisroel Chassidus network in cities across Eretz Yisroel marked the Rebbe’s birthday with farbrengens with community and guest mashpiim.

The farbrengens took place in Yerushalayim, Bnei Brak, Ashdod, Elad, Chaifa, and more. Farbrenging were the community’s mashpiim R’ Zalman Gopin and R’ Chaim Sholom Deitsch, as well as others, such as R’ Shlomo Chaim Feldman and R’ Abba Zalmanov.

Children of the community, who benefit from a special program called “Lichtelach,” visited mashpia R’ Zalman Gopin to be tested and inspired.


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