Jewish Campus Leaders Unite for Israel

Ever since Simchas Torah, Jewish life on campus has a united sense of purpose. In this spirit, Chabad on Campus International spearheaded a monumental convening of Jewish campus leaders in Eretz Yisroel.


War Day 151: IDF Guarding Yitzhar Stabbed, Police Arrest Protesters

A Hamas weapons cache found adjacent to a school used as a shelter in Khan Younis

War Summary, Day One Hundred and Fifty One: A soldier was stabbed while standing guard in Yitzhar: the terrorist was eliminated but unfortunately the soldier was badly injured, police arrested the Israeli protesters who were blocking the humanitarian aid trucks from entering Gaza, and the north was heavily bombarded by Hezbollah today, including two rounds of 30 missiles each on the small city of Kiryat Shemona.


Teens Reflect on Impact of Crown Heights Community

Photo: Mendel Strasberg/Rivkah Laber/ Sadya Liberow/Merkos 302

After spending a Shabbos in Crown Heights, immersed in the community and witnessing the tremendous efforts their host families went into to make them comfortable, the CTeens write how it affected them.


Weekday Kiddush After the Birth of a Daughter? feature: Dayan Levi Yitzchok Raskin, Rov of Anash in London, explores interesting Torah questions and halachic dilemmas including Shehecheyanu on buying a house, giving maaser in advance, pareve foods baked in a milchig oven, and what qualifies as a kiddush after the birth of a daughter.


Luxurious Event Celebrates Staff of Chabad Yeshivos

Photos: Meir Alfasi, Schneur Shif

Over 200 yeshiva staff gathered in Eretz Yisroel for the ‘Karmi Sheli’ annual dinner celebrating their work and inspiring their further dedication to the success of our bochurim.


Baby Boy
כ״ה אדר א׳ ה׳תשפ״ד - March 5, 2024

Mrs. Moussia Schtroks, 90, AH

Mrs. Moussia Schtroks, a prominent figure in the London Lubavitch community and the matriarch of a large Lubavitch family, passed away on 25 Adar 1 5784.



Moshe Laufer Releases New Chabad Album

Listen to the New Album: Thirteen years after his first Chabad album, Moshe Laufer unveils “Chabad 5,” an album packed with stunning musical compositions performed by outstanding musicians and choirs.


L’Chaim: Mayer – Weber

Photos: Shalom Ross/

The L’Chaim of Reuvi Mayer of Charlottesville, VA, and Shani Weber of Philadelphia, PA, took place at the Jewish Children’s Museum.


War Day 150: PIJ Who Fired Rockets Killed, Shin-Bet Prevents Attack

Pictured: Rabbi Eliyahan Cohen, a sofer stam who is on reserve duty in Khan Younis, uses his break to sit and write a Megillah.

War Summary, Day One Hundred and Fifty: The IDF says they have evidence that more than 450 UNRWA employees were Hamas and PIJ terrorists, Shin-Bet prevented massive attack and arrested four terrorists who prepared 100 bombs with the guidance of ISIS abroad, the PIJ members who fired rockets towards Hatzerim IDF troops in Central Gaza were spotted and killed thirty minutes after their attack.


L’Chaim: Nachshon – Levy

Photos: Shalom Ross/

The L’Chaim of Yossi Nachshon of Dniepr, Ukraine, and Tami Levy of Buenos Aires, Argentina, took place at Rubashkin’s in Crown Heights.

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