Ukraine Officials Pledge to Restore Haditch for War’s Success

In merit of the war effort, Ukrainian officials visited Haditch and pledged to restore the damaged 45-kilometer road leading there to ease the journey for all who travel to the Alter Rebbe’s Ohel.

By reporter

In a significant development for thousands who visit the town of Haditch, the resting place of the Alter Rebbe, the governor of Poltava region, Mr. Dmytro Lunin, pledged to expedite the construction of a new road. This announcement came during a visit by the governor and his deputy, Mr. Anton Chubanko, to the holy site, underlining the deep respect and recognition of the site’s significance.

During their visit, which included a tour of the Rebbe’s resting place, they met with Rabbi Meir Stambler, chairman of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Ukraine (FJCU), and Rabbi Shneur Zalman Deitsch, shliach in Haditch. Joining them were Rabbi Shmuel Vaissfisch, head of the Yeshiva at the site, and key supporters of the Federation, highlighting the broad communal support for this initiative.

The purpose of the meeting was to understand the needs of the holy site, which continues to draw thousands of visitors annually, even amidst the ongoing war. The highlight was the agreement to repair the 45-kilometer road leading to Haditch which has been in disrepair, making access to the site difficult for many.

This agreement follows months of discussions and meetings arranged by Rabbi Stambler with Ukrainian government officials, including the President of Ukraine, underscoring the government’s recognition of the site’s importance even in wartime.

Governor Lunin expressed his understanding of the necessity to facilitate easier access for worshippers and shared his deep knowledge of the the Alter Rebbe’s history and significance in the Jewish world. He added, “The Tzaddik protects the region and all of Ukraine, and I have no doubt that the prayers of the Jewish people for our victory are aiding us in our struggle.”

As Shabbos entered, the distinguished delegation stayed for Kabbalos Shabbos and dined with the rabbis and Federation members until midnight. Rabbi Deitsch and Rabbi Stambler discussed the site’s importance to hundreds of thousands of Chassidim worldwide, the world of Chassidism, and its teachings. They expressed confidence that with support for this holy place and the prayers held there, Ukraine would be able to face the war imposed upon it and emerge victorious.

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