Mrs. Moussia Schtroks, 90, AH

Mrs. Moussia Schtroks, a prominent figure in the London Lubavitch community and the matriarch of a large Lubavitch family, passed away on 25 Adar 1 5784.

Mrs. Moussia Schtroks, a prominent figure in the London Lubavitch community and the matriarch of a large Lubavitch family, passed away on 25 Adar 1 5784.

She was 90 years old.

Moussia was born on 26 Av 5693 (1933) in Leningrad to her father, Reb Avraham Yeshaya Schapiro (Shaya Karlevitzer), a tomim from Lubavitch and a devout chossid, and her mother, Bluma, a dedicated eishes chayil.

She grew up in a home where her parents had complete mesiras nefesh to be G-d-fearing Jews. Her chinuch was of utmost importance, and her parents fought with mesiras nefesh that she and her siblings should not attend Communist schools. Her father would teach them himself to ensure that they had a true Torah upbringing.

In the Siege of Leningrad during World War Two when food was rationed, he was extremely careful that they would not eat non-kosher food. In the winter of 1942-43, her parents and two of her siblings passed away from hunger. Moussia and her sister, Riva (Raskin), being orphans with no family, were placed in a government orphanage.

They remained in the orphanage for two and a half years, where they survived despite experiencing hunger and great torment as Jews. At one point, they saw two bearded men and recognized them as Chasidim, despite having entered the orphanage at a young age. Riva called out to the Chasidim, who attempted to secure their release, but were unable to do so. However, these Chasidim managed to provide them with contact information for living relatives.

In a miraculous turn of events, they were found by their relatives and were able to travel to Samarkand. There, Moussia was taken in and raised by Mrs. Manya Dubravsky, while her sister Riva was taken in by R’ Zalman Shimon and Mrs. Tzivia Dvorkin. Moussia later wrote an account of her story in a booklet entitled “My Name is Riva.”

She escaped Russia during the great exodus in 1946-47 via Lvov and met and married her husband, R’ Ovadia Schtroks, in France. Upon instructions from the Rebbe, they moved to London, England, where they helped build the Lubavitch community. Mussia worked as a nursery teacher for many years and merited to raise a beautiful Chassidishe family. She was aidel and tznius and always strived to do what was right.

She is survived by her children: Rabbi Yossel Schtroks – London; Mrs. Bluma Perl – Long Island; Mrs. Rabbi Nochum Schtroks – Crown Heights; Rabbi Falik Schtroks – Vancouver, BC; Shaindel Levertov – Crown Heights; Mrs. Fruma Weg – Crown Heights; Rabbi Mendel Schtroks – Cologne, Germany; Mrs. Nechama Dina Reinitz – Crown Heights; and many grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

She was predeceased by her husband, and her son, Rabbi Shaya Schtroks of Morristown, NJ.

Levaya at Schonfeld Square on Wednesday at 1:30 PM, followed by passing the Lubavitch House and onto the Bais Hachaim Enfield Cemetery.

Shiva details to follow.

Please send nichum aveilim and memories to [email protected].

Boruch Dayan Haemes.

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