Yisroel Eliyahu Suissa, a Lubavitcher from Montreal, Canada who was serving in the IDF was killed in a deadly motorcycle accident in Israel on Wednesday.
Yisroel Eliyahu Suissa, a Lubavitcher from Montreal, Canada who was serving in the IDF was killed in a deathly motorcycle accident in Israel on Wednesday. He was 21 years old.
Yisroel Eliyahu served for 150 days in Gaza as part of the IDF, when he was let off on a short break. On Wednesday, reports from Zaka arrived about a terrible accident near the Morasha junction in Merchav Sharon where the driver of a motorcycle was r”l killed.
He leaves behind his parents and family in Montreal, Canada.
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.
Je suis très attristé par la perte de mon brave petit cousin qui a tant fait pour Israel.
Qu’il repose en Paix dans les hautes sphères du firmament. Amen