In Chabad, Purim Is Not a Joke

In a recently published clip of a farbrengen, Reb Yoel Kahn addresses the Lubavitch approach to Purim, not for jesting and drunkenness, but as a day of uplifting joy.


Ninth Yahrzeit of Uri Nissan Gurary

This Purim will mark nine years since the sudden passing of Hatomim Uri Nissan a”h Gurary. His family requests those who knew Uri to do a mitzva today in his memory.


War Day 169: 40 Airstrikes in Gaza, Sniper Strikes Israeli Civilians

War Summary, Day One Hundred and Sixty Nine: 40 airstrikes carried out across Gaza to assist ground troops in battle, terrorist sniper opened fire on civilians and soldiers near Dolev killing one and injuring 7, and Defense Minister Yoav Galant will head tomorrow for an official visit to Washington.


Hundreds Pack 770 for Purim Night Megillah

Photos: Nehoray Edri/

The main shul at 770 was full on Motzaei Shabbos with joyous anash, lively bochurim and children dressed in costumes, prepared to celebrate as Purim began.


“With My Yisroel I Won’t Argue!”

A chossid of the Alter Rebbe from his early years in Liozna, R. Yisroel Yafeh of Dubravna was a talented baal menagen. When the Alter Rebbe went to rest during the Zhlobiner chassuna, he played his violin outside the door, inspiring the Rebbe to recite a maamar until 7 am.


The Cartier Saleswoman was Taken by His Confidence

Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: There’s a notion that by blurring the boundaries between Yidden and goyim we’ll gain their respect. That we’ll solve the problem of anti-Semitism or anti-Israel biases by showing that we’re really all the same. But the opposite is true.


Ukraine Residents to Celebrate 3rd Purim at War

Thousands of personal kits of Mishloach Manos have been sent to shluchim across Ukraine to uplift thousands of Jewish families and individuals who will be celebrating Purim under fire for the third time.


Erev Shabbos Around Crown Heights

Photos: Shalom Ross/

The streets and shops of Crown Heights were full on Friday as residents and guests prepared for Shabbos. Plus Shalom Zachar list.


L’Chaim: Volfman – Friedman

Photos: Shalom Ross/

The L’Chaim of Mendy Volfman of Monsey, NY, and Chaya Friedman of Pittsburgh, PA, was celebrated on Wednesday night at the Lubavitch Yeshiva hall.


There Are No “Minor Mitzvos”

When the Rebbe announced Mivtzah Purim in 5722, some questioned the significance of these “minor mitzvos.” In a yechidus with R’ Yaakov Hanoka, the Rebbe provided an explanation he could share with his former colleagues at Penn University.


War Day 167: Raid at Shifa Hospital, 358 Terrorists Captured

War Summary, Day One Hundred and Sixty Seven: 650 terrorists among them senior Hamas and PIJ terrorists were captured in Shifa Hospital, a suicide bombing was prevented at the last minute, and tens of thousands joined together to say Shema for the hostages’ release.


New In-Depth Halacha Guide Released Ahead of Purim

Navigating the intricacies of Mishloach Manos and Matanos L’evyonim can be a challenge. Merkos 302’s Kollel L’Rabbonei Chabad has released a comprehensive guide to these halachos by Harav Gedalia Oberlander.


Giving Mishloach Manos to Non-Frum

Photo: Deena Englard via

Ask the Rov: Is there an obligation to tell a person to say a bracha when giving them a food item? Rabbi Chaim Hillel Raskin responds.


Booze Schmooze: Lists of Drinks With Kashrus Issues

Approaching Purim, Rabbi Nissan Zibell of ‘Kashrus: Be In The Know’ provides clarity to the many questions, myths, and confusions on the kashrus of alcoholic beverages, along with updated and extensive articles and lists on the topic.

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