School Makes Grand Purim Meetup for Purim Mitzvos

Oholei Torah is bringing the joy and simplicity back to Purim with Sunday morning event that students’ families can join to hear megilla, meet classmates for mishloach manos, and give matanos le’evyonim.

In a first event of its kind, Oholei Torah will be making a grand meetup for all of its students and their families on Purim morning. The program will host minyanim for shacharis for separate grades, megilla readings, a place to give matanos le’evyonim, and class meetups for mishloach manos so that parents can save hours of shlepping around Crown Heights delivering parcels.

The program will be at Oholei Torah on Sunday morning.

Doors Open- 8:45 Shachris- 9:00 Megillah- 9:45 Mishloach Manos/Class Meetups- 10:30

How will the program work? Here is a list of FAQ- Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Who is this program for?
A: Talmidim of the Cheder division (grades Pre1a-7th) and their families.
Q: Why is Oholei Torah making this program?
A: To make the class meetups more convenient for families with multiple children and
to offer the opportunity to fulfill Mitvas Purim all in one place.
Q: Can my son just come for his meetup or just for megillah and not to Shacharis?
A: Yes.
Q: Will there be one minyan for everyone?
A: No. There will be four organized, simultaneous minyanim, divided by specific division/grades.
See more information on map and chart.
Q: Where will the women’s section be?
A: There will be one womens section together with the sixth grade minyan in the women’s side of the ballroom. See more information on map and chart.
Q: Why do the younger Talmidim need to come with an adult?
A: At this age, Talmidim are not accustomed to davening with a minyan. Especially for
megillah, its important for younger Talmidim to have an adult with them to help them during minyan and megillah.
Q: Who can accompany Talmidim in Pre1A through grade 3?
A: Father, an older sibling, a family member, or friend’s father. If your son is only attending Megillah he may join his mother in the women’s section, or can be brought by his mother to his meetup.
Q: Which minyan do I join if I have multiple children in different grades?
A: Please join your youngest child’s minyan. Your older children are welcome to join you in that minyan or they may attend their respective grade minyan, assuming they are above grade three.
Q: Will my son’s Rebbi be there?
A: Not necessarily. As usual, a note will be sent home to inform parents of where and when their children’s rebbis will be on Purim day. If a Rebbi chooses to meet his Talmidim at the meetup, it will be noted on the note, but if not, an address and hours will be provided.
Q: Will I be able to hear the
A: Yes, we have a professional ba’al koreh hired for each of the four locations. You will I”yh
be able to hear them loud and clear.
Q: How will I be yotze the mitzvah of matanos le’evyonim?
A: We have three organizations; Keren Simchas Shabbos V’ Yom Tov, Keren Anash, and Colel Chabad; that will be present in front of Oholei Torah for anyone who wants to give at the end of the program.
See attached chart for map and more details:


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  1. “Students” shouldn’t be a word in our vocabulary. Either “Talmidim” or “Boys” (or “Girls”)

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