War Day 167: Raid at Shifa Hospital, 358 Terrorists Captured

War Summary, Day One Hundred and Sixty Seven: 358 terrorists among them senior Hamas and PIJ terrorists were captured in Shifa Hospital, a suicide bombing was prevented at the last minute, and tens of thousands joined together to say Shema for the hostages’ release.

By Mrs. Bruria Efune

134 held captive in Gaza.
112 hostages freed.
11 hostage bodies rescued.
35 hostages confirmed murdered in Gaza.
1,400+ Israelis murdered.
251 fallen soldiers in the battle in Gaza.
6 fallen soldiers in Northern Israel.
3 fallen soldiers in Judea & Samaria.
14,900 injured.
14,190 estimated rockets fired at Israel.
102,100 Israelis displaced from their homes.
1 Jewish nation united in prayer, charity, and good deeds.

Top Headlines:

  • Senior Hamas and PIJ terrorists captured in Shifa Hospital
  • Suicide bombing prevented at the last minute

Hostage Updates:

Small progress has been made in negotiations, but no breakthroughs. Insiders report that the U.S., Egypt, and Qatar are all working towards a permanent ceasefire and to prevent an IDF incursion into Rafah—something which the Israeli military establishment says is an absolute necessity to dismantle Hamas. The reports indicate that the pressure on Israel to concede is extremely heavy.

Hamas also continues to demand a complete IDF withdrawal from Gaza.

Gaza Front Updates:

Hamas has not successfully fired rockets onto Israeli civilians since Thursday.

Thank G-d, very miraculously, the IDF did not announce the names of any fallen soldiers today.

The raid in Shifa Hospital in Gaza City is ongoing and is expected to continue for several days. Thus far:

  • 140 terrorists from Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) eliminated in and around the hospital
  • 650 suspected terrorists were arrested and taken for questioning on site
  • 358 confirmed terrorists were brought to Israel for further questioning
  • Zero civilians harmed
  • Significant intelligence documents found

A group of terrorists remain holed up in the hospital’s emergency room. IDF troops are working to evacuate civilians from the area before engaging with the terrorists.

IDF Spokesman, Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari, shared information about some of the Hamas and PIJ commanders who surrendered, and said that aside from them, some significant senior Hamas commanders are in custody. Their names have not yet been released due to ongoing interrogations for vital intelligence.

Among the captured terrorists from the PIJ are:

  • Hussam Salameh, commander of PIJ’s observation and intelligence unit in Gaza City
  • Wissam Salahem, brother of Hussar and head of the PIJ’s propaganda unit in Gaza City
  • The commander of PIJ’s Shejaiya Battalion
  • The deputy commander of PIJ’s Northern Gaza Brigade
  • The commander of PIJ tunnels in northern Gaza

Amongst those captured from Hamas are three senior officer’s from the terror group’s headquarters in Judea and Samaria:

  • Amr Asida, the head of the Shechem (Nablus) unit
  • Mahmoud Qawasmeh, one of the planners behind the kidnapping and murder of three Israeli teens in 2014
  • Hamdallah Hassan Ali, who organized and planned recent terror attacks in Judea and Samaria

In addition, in an image release by the IDF with photos of many of the terrorists captured, some sleuths noticed the face of Hamas Chief of Operations, Raad Saad.

Gaza Humanitarian Efforts Updates:

208 humanitarian aid trucks were inspected by Israel and transferred to the Gaza Strip today (March 21). 66% of the trucks carried food, the rest carried water, medical supplies, and shelter equipment.
Only 155 trucks were distributed by UN aid agencies within the Gaza Strip.

Northern Front Updates:

After a drop last week, Hezbollah is slowly increasing their rate of fire on Israel’s far northern communities again, with heavy barrages today, no injuries were reported, but damage was caused to residential infrastructure, particularly in Metula where a missile made a direct hit on a hotel. In another instance, a mortar landed in Moshav Dovev, but did not explode until saboteurs came and safely detonated it. The IDF reminds people not to approach even shrapnel from fallen projectiles until they are safely inspected by the experts.

The IDF responded with shelling to Hezbollah positions along the border, and airstrikes on positions in Southern Lebanon.

Houthi War Front Updates:

A “suspicious aerial target” coming from the direction of the Red Sea towards Eilat was intercepted by IDF air defenses before entering Israeli airspace. Eilat residents report hearing a loud explosion.

Judea and Samaria Updates:

Following intelligence provided to the Shin Bet, Israeli security forces raided the town of Aqbat Jabr near Jericho, and arrested a suspect who was planning to commit a suicide bombing in the immediate timeframe. The suspect was captured after a brief chase, which included a gun battle with terrorists in the area and the elimination of a terrorist who was throwing explosives at the troops.

The IDF wrapped up a massive counter-terrorism operation in Nir Shams, near Tulkarem. Nur Shams, despite being a town of normal buildings and homes, is considered to be a refugee camp. Refugee camps have higher rates of extremism, and are known for encouraging terrorism.

At the start of the raid, an airstrike eliminated two terrorists who were throwing explosives at the troops. Two more terrorists were eliminated after a gun battle. Three wanted terrorists were arrested, and explosives were located around the area.

The IDF also operated in Ramallah, where they opened fire on terrorists who were throwing explosives, large stones, and fireworks at troops.

Since October 7, the IDF has arrested around 3,600 wanted Palestinians across Judea and Samaria, of which more than 1,600 are affiliated with Hamas, and the rest with other terror organizations.

International Updates:

The European Council, which includes the heads of the 27 EU countries, met today in Brussels and issued a joint statement calling for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire and the immediate release of the hostages. In a statement published by the council, it implores the Israeli government not to carry out an operation in Rafah.

According to a report from Reuters, a US proposal for a ceasefire and the release of the hostages will be put to a vote in the UN Security Council tomorrow.

General Updates:

Thousands gathered at the Western Wall with families of the hostages, and tens of thousands more in synagogues and homes around the world, to recite the powerful Shema prayer for the hostages safe release. The Shema has a particularly meaningful connection with the war, as many Jews who hid in their bomb shelters on October 7th were afraid to open the door until their rescuers said the Shema to prove who they were.

May G-d hear our prayers, and return our hostages home, safely.

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