Mesivta Baltimore Expands, Welcomes New Hanhala Member

To help the expanding student body of Mesivta Lubavitch of Baltimore, the yeshiva is delighted to announce that Rabbi Meir Chaim Brikman will be joining the Hanhala for the upcoming shnas halimudim, 5785.

To help the expanding student body and growth of Mesivta Lubavitch of Baltimore, the yeshiva is delighted to announce that Rabbi Meir Chaim Brikman, a renowned talmid chochom and editor at Kehos publications, will be joining the Hanhala for the upcoming shnas halimudim, 5785.

Rabbi Brikman, an accomplished editor and author, known for his vast knowledge in Torah and his great clarity in his classes, will be serving as a primary Maggid Shiur for Nigleh.

Rabbi Brikman will complement the existing hanhala of Mesivta: Rabbi Mendel Kaminker, Rabbi Yanky Werner, Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sufrin, and Rabbi Mendel Zeitlin.

The talmidim in Baltimore’s Mesivta have made great strides in their learning, both in in-depth learning, and at the same time focusing on acquiring a broad foundation in Torah knowledge. The curriculum incorporates multiple chazara mivtzos to review and retain all they’ve learned in the past several months. Recently, close to a dozen bochurim celebrated having successfully learned over 50 Blatt in Maseches Bava Basra with numerous times of chazara!

With the positive and warm chassidishe atmosphere in Yeshiva, it’s been a springboard for growth and strengthening the bochurim’s hiskashrus and chassidishe hanochos. The passion and excitement for fulfilling the Rebbe’s inyonim are palpably felt in the yeshiva halls.

With the addition of Rabbi Brikman, we look forward to seeing an even greater advancement in the Talmidim’s skills and Torah knowlege through his personal guidance to each bochur in which way they can best succeed in their learning and Avodas Hashem.

For more information regarding the Mesivta Please visit our website:

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