Calling You To Tackle the Streets With Chabad of Sheepshead Bay

Chabad of Sheepshead Bay is organizing family-friendly Purim Mivtzoim. Here’s an opportunity for you to enhance your Purim as well as many other Yidden.

Chabad of Sheepshead Bay is organizing family-friendly Purim Mivtzoim. Here’s an opportunity for you to enhance your Purim as well as many other Yidden.

The process is simple:

Pickup from the mivtzoim truck parked on the corner of Kingston Ave and President St.

Purim night (Motzei Shabbos): 8:45 PM – 11 PM

Purim Day (Sunday): 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM

Thank you and a freilichin Purim!

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