Using Medicated Mouthwash on Shabbos? feature: Dayan Levi Yitzchok Raskin, Rov of Anash in London, explores interesting Torah questions and halachic dilemmas including mouthwash and a light-up watch on Shabbos, orla on a blueberry bush, and wearing a talis upside down.


Worldwide Shliach Laid to Rest Next to the Meshaleiach

Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, the Rebbe’s shliach helping shluchim around the world, who passed away yesterday, was laid to rest in a special space in the Lubavitch chelka outside the Rebbe’s Ohel. His son, Rabbi Mendy Kotlarsky, was appointed his successor.


Continuing the Life and Legacy of Reb Moshe

With the passing of this legendary globetrotting Shliach of the Rebbe, who played a pivotal role in revitalizing Jewish communities and growing Chabad institutions worldwide, a group of shluchim have committed themselves to uphold the projects he started.


Photos: A Life of Shlichus and Shluchim

Throughout the years, and even during his final illness, Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky devoted himself to shluchim and shlichus, traveling to far ends of the globe and showing support.


Avremi’s Fruits Blossom To This Day

Avremi is the boy standing to the right of the Rebbe.

After the tragic murder of Avrohom Eliezer Goldman, a camp fund was established with the Rebbe’s bracha. For 47 years, the Avrohom Eliezer Camp Fund has enabled thousands of children to spend their summers at camp.


War Day 243: Fires Under Control, 2 Stabbers Intercepted

The Gazan side of the Kerem Shalom Shalom crossing is at full capacity, with the content of over 1,000 aid trucks waiting to be picked up by UN aid agencies. Photo from the IDF’s COGAT Division, Jun 4, 2024

War Summary, Day Two Hundred and Forty Three: After Hezbollah projectiles set over 2,500 acres in fires that burned for 48 hours, Israeli firefighters and volunteers finally got the fires under control, a potentially horrific terror attack was prevented when IDF troops spotted and eliminated two terrorists who approached the security fence near Tulkarem, and Hamas evades the current hostage negotiations meeting.


Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, 74, AH

Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, who revolutionized the world of shlichus over the globe and spearheaded the International Kinus Hashluchim, passed away.


Picture of the Day

On their first day, the newly elected members of the Vaad Hakohol – Berel Hildesheim, Meir New, Zalman Friedman, Shmuel Rosenstein, Dovid Halon, and Yitzi Kamman – visited the Ohel to daven for success in their new positions serving the Crown Heights community.


War Day 241: 4 Hostages Confirmed Dead, Uncontrolled Fires Across the North

War Summary, Day Two Hundred and Forty One: Remains of a missing Israeli were found, four hostages were confirmed killed by Hamas, mixed reports about the hostage deal, over a dozen large uncontrolled fires across Northern Israel, a suspected Israeli attack eliminated a senior Iranian terrorist in Syria, and a Houthi ballistic missile was intercepted over Eilat.


Baby Boy
כ״ז אייר ה׳תשפ״ד - June 4, 2024

Bais Rivkah Girls Prepare for Matan Torah

Girls from Bais Rivkah in Crown Heights were given a special responsibility ahead of Shavuos: to polish the silver Torah crowns in 770’s main shul, so they shine brightly for Matan Torah.


Junior Nshei Event to Honor Community Doers

A special end-of-year event by Junior Nshei of Crown Heights will honor community doers Mrs. Sara Rivkah Zirkind and Mrs. Chava Schechter and feature renowned speaker Rus Devorah Wallen.

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