Montreal Boys Rewarded with Trip for ‘Gebn’ to Others

7th Graders of YTTL Montreal were rewarded with an exciting white water rafting trip for participating in “Mivtza Geb’n” and bringing joy to the elderly in Montreal.

7th Graders of YTTL Montreal went on an exciting white water rafting trip as a reward for their participation in a Mivtza called “Mivtza Geb’n.”

The Mivtza took place over Adar, with the theme of Simcha and giving (Geb’n) joy to fellow Yidden. The boys visited the elderly, helped local Chabad Houses pack Mishloach Manos and Matzos, and went on Mivtzoyim, all during their own free time.

Additionally, weekly Rebbe video viewings were held, throughout which they paid careful attention to the Rebbe’s words and completed questions on what was being said.

This trip was organized as one of many Peulos of the שביעי initiative, which was launched this year in YTTL to assist the 7th Graders in growing in their Yiddishkeit and Chassidishkeit during the pivotal year of Bar Mitzvah.

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