Photographer Dovber Hechtman traveled to restricted sites in Israel and to the Gaza border documenting the destruction he witnessed and the unbeatable spirit of Am Yisroel he experienced.
10,000 Life-Saving Tzedaka Pouches Distributed to IDF Soldiers
Yad L’Achim has distributed tens of thousands of specially designed tzedakah pouches to IDF soldiers and security forces, providing them with the protection that comes with the merit of giving tzedakah.
Live: ‘Jewish Woman’s Power Hour’ Halacha Class Marathon
Live: Jewish Woman’s Power Hour- join women from around the world for three concise classes led by Mrs. Chaya Klein, Rabbi Berel Bell, and Rabbi Yosef Braun on the halachos pertaining women.
L’Chaim: Simpson – Deitsch
The L’Chaim of Yossi Simpson of Sheepshead Bay, NY, and Mirel Deitsch of Philadelphia, PA, was held Monday night at JCM.
Walking in Hallways with Light Sensors? feature: Dayan Levi Yitzchok Raskin, Rov of Anash in London, explores interesting Torah questions and halachic dilemmas including walking on Shabbos in a hallway with light sensors, giving non-Cholov Yisroel products to another Yid, and drinking water left uncovered.
Our Communities
After Trip to the Ohel, Argentina’s New President Visits the Kosel
After making his first overseas trip after being elected to visit the Rebbe’s Ohel, Argentina’s Pro-Jewish President Javier Milei made his first trip after being sworn into office to the Kosel, where he prayed with emotion and lit a memorial candle for war victims.
New Shluchim to Key Largo, Florida
Rabbi Yisrolik and Leah Shur (nee Zucker) and their daughter Esther have been appointed as the new Shluchim to Key Largo, Florida, known as the “Diving Capital of the World.”
Young Shluchos Gather at Rally, Finale Event
Young Shluchos joining the Kinus Tzeirei Hashluchos of the Shluchim Office joined together for a stunning 770 rally and grand finale event, celebrating three amazing days of Chassidishkiet, fun and connection.
Over 500 Bochurim Tested on Alter Rebbe’s Shulchan Aruch
No less than 500 bochurim from Chabad Yeshivos gathered for a rigorous test on all of the Alter Rebbe’s Hilchos Tefillin. The program, organized by Rabbi Avraham Alashvili, rewards participating bochurim with seforim and stipends.
We Need to Rethink Girls’ Education
Article by Rabbi Shimon Hellinger: Girls’ study is a means to an end – to imbue in them an appreciation and love for Yiddishkeit. Do our girls leave our school system with a passion for Hashem, His Torah and His people?
Shluchos Unite and Inspire at Grand Banquet in Edison
Thousands of Shluchos joined at the Gala Event in Edison, N.J. on Sunday evening to connect together, inspire each other, and celebrate the special mission they were given by the Rebbe to conquer the world with light.
Organization Creates Fully Premade In-A Box Moshiach Events
Tut Altz Women created a ready-made package of a complete program guiding participants toward a life-changing concept from the Rebbe’s sichos on Inyanei Geulah U’Moshiach.
New Dayanus Course Opens By Acclaimed Program
Rabbi Nachman Wilhelm of Machon Lehoraa Online School has started a new program for highly motivated individuals seeking to achieve dayanus.
L’chaim: Greenberg – Hecht
The L’Chaim of Mendel Greenberg – Commerce, MI and Chaya Hecht – Kingston, NY was held Sunday night at Lubavitcher Yeshiva.
Nurturing New Mothers in Crown Heights
For mothers who just gave birth, Shifra and Puah’s luxurious home-cooked breakfasts, as well cleaning help, Shabbos catered, and babysitting, are lifesavers, and are the brainchild of three Crown Heights women.
This Shlucha Stayed Home for the Kinus
While fellow shluchos were connecting in New York, Kharkov shlucha Miriam Moskovitz chose to remain with her community who needed her support and instead hosted a Mega Challa Bake.
Raised as a Christian, He Rediscovered His Roots at 87
Amidst the chaos of World War II, a young boy was adopted by a Christian family and subsequently baptized. Seventy-four years later, through hashgacha pratis, he reclaimed his Jewish heritage.
4,000 Jewish Women Leaders Meet at International Conference
The energy in the massive convention-space-turned-banquet hall was palpable, as 4,000 Jewish women leaders from around the world gathered at the gala event of the annual International Conference of Chabad Lubavitch Women Emissaries.
Personal Memories of the Rebbetzin Shared at 770 Farbrengen
A chassidishe farbrengen in 770 marked Chof Beis Shvat, yahrzeit of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka. Two speakers, Rabbi Yehuda Clapman and R’ Noach Holtzman, recounted their encounters with the Rebbetzin.
War Day 122 Makes It Israel’s Longest War Since 1948
War Summary, Day One Hundred and Twenty-Two: Hamas rejects proposed temporary ceasefire deal which would allow the release of some hostages, and demanded the release of more terrorists from prison, which Israel refuses.
Live: Young Shluchos Grand Finale Banquet
Live at 6:00 PM ET: Watch as over 2,000 Young Shluchos, counselors and staff from around the world, conclude the Young Shluchos Kinus with an incredible Finale program and banquet.
Live: Kinus Hashluchos Gala Banquet 5784
Join Live at 6:30 PM: Watch over 5,000 Chabad Shluchos and their guests as they celebrate at the annual banquet, the culmination of a five-day International Conference of Shluchos, broadcast live on N’shei Page.
Shluchos Join An Evening of Song and Inspiration on Motzei Shabbos
The grand Kinus Hashluchos Melave Malka featured speakers from across the globe, alongside niggunim, melodies, and song.