Live: ‘Jewish Woman’s Power Hour’ Halacha Class Marathon

Live: Jewish Woman’s Power Hour- join women from around the world for three concise classes led by Mrs. Chaya Klein, Rabbi Berel Bell, and Rabbi Yosef Braun on the halachos pertaining women.

Project Chana presents the Jewish Woman’s Power Hour, an hour of three classes focused on the halachos of the special mitzvos of the woman. The classes will be presented by Mrs. Wagner who will teach Taharas Hamishpacha, Rabbi Bell who will teach Kashrus, and Rabbi Braun who will teach Shabbos. They will be held on Tuesday night from 8:30 to 9:30.

8:30 Mrs. Klein– Taharas Hamishpacha/Harchakos
8:50 Rabbi Bell – Kashrus
9:10 Rabbi Braun – Shabbos

Livestream, YouTube and Recordings:

Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 849 4442 4298
Password: 770

YouTube player


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