25 Years Later, Kharkiv Names Street After IDF Hero

On October 29, 1998, 19-year-old IDF sergeant Alexey (Asher) Neykov bravely intercepted a car filled with explosives aimed at two school buses carrying 48 Jewish children near the Kfar Darom settlement. Now, a street was named after him in Ukraine.


Baby Girl
ד׳ אייר ה׳תשפ״ד - May 12, 2024

War Day 218: Large Fires Start in North, Five Soldiers Killed in Gaza

A direct hit was made on a building in Ashkelon, late at night after Shabbos.

War Summary, Day Two Hundred and Eighteen: Hezbollah missiles caused significant damage and led to a large fire around the city which took 10 firefighting teams time to put out, five soldiers from the Nachal Brigade’s 931st Battalion fell during fierce gun battles in Zeitoun, and Hamas published a video of hostage Nadav Popelwell that the IDF requests people not view.


A Din Torah by the Rebbe Rashab’s Door

Though Reb Zalman Havlin offered to pay up the Horoditch yeshiva’s debt, the Frierdiker Rebbe tricked him into a din Torah by the Rebbe Rashab. Though he was exonerated, he paid it with shadchonus gelt he received.


L’Chaim: Simkovitz – Goltz

Photos: Shalom Ross/Anash.org

The L’Chaim of Yehoshua Hanan Simkovitz of Santa Rosa, CA, and Lilah Elisheva Goltz of Camarillo, CA, took place at the FREE hall in Crown Heights.


Are You a Rabbi or a Doctor?

After Reb Moshe Yitzchok Hecht received an Honorary degree, the Rebbe received a letter referring to him as “Doctor Hecht.” The Rebbe immediately sent him a letter expressing his dissatisfaction.


War Day 216: Lag Ba’Omer in Meron Cancelled, New Chareidi Unit Opening

From War Mapper - the IDF’s current and historic position in Gaza.

War Summary, Day Two Hundred and Sixteen: Due to Hezbollah’s heavy barrages of missiles at Har Meron the IDF Home Front Command cancelled the upcoming Lag B’Omer celebrations in Meron, the Border Police have announced that a new unit opened for the first time ever with 30 new drafts from Charedi communities, and an “unidentified object” flew from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory and fell in an open area in the Netivot area.


Listen: Parsha Class by Rebbetzin Ettel Tzerna Hodakov

Presented here is a rare recording from 5721 by renowned educator, Rebbetzin Ettel Tzerna Hodakov, wife of Rabbi Chaim Mordechai Aizik Hodakov, the Rebbe’s legendary “Chief of Staff” whose Yartzeit is this shabbos. The topic: Ahavas Yisroel in this week’s parsha.


Ukrainian Nuclear City Just Got a Spiritual Protector

The Ukrainian city of Zaporizhzhia, known for its nuclear power plant which has been targeted in the ongoing war, has inaugurated a new Mikvah to serve the community. A shelter was built beneath the structure to ensure the visitors’ safety.


War Day 215: Biden Threatens Ammo Sales, Defense Hints to War in N.

War Summary, Day Two Hundred and Fifteen: Kerem Shalom Crossing reopened under fire, Hamas’s Navy commander eliminated, Biden says he will stop ammunition sales to Israel in case of entry to Rafah population centers, Hezbollah continues to escalate and refuses to negotiate a ceasefire, and Defense Minister hints to a summertime war in the north.


New Year, New Me

When Dr. Menachem Kovacs walked out of an uplifting pegisha event at 770 on December 31st, he saw people celebrating the New Year and falling down drunk. The stark contrast propelled him to a connection with Yiddishkeit and the Rebbe.

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