When Rabbi Shmuel Lew received eight pounds of matza from the Rebbe to send to Russia, he didn’t know how he would get it there. But with superhuman effort he managed to send it, and the Russian Jews were ecstatic.
War Day 201: Hamas Release Hostage Video, Prepare Rafah Evacuation
War Summary, Day Two Hundred and One: Today Hamas published a cruel propaganda video of Israeli-American hostage 23-year-old Hersh Goldberg-Polin, the IDF has conducted all necessary preparations for an offensive in Rafah, and Maj. Gen. Aharon Haliva, the head of the Military Intelligence Directorate, has decided to resign over his role in the failures that led to Hamas’s October 7th onslaught.
Live: Birkas Kohanim at the Kosel
Live from the Kosel: The traditional Birkas Kohanim ceremony will take place on Thursday morning, including a prayer for the return of the hostages, the well-being of the soldiers and security forces, the healing of the wounded, and peace for Yidden everywhere.
No Empty Chairs for Hostages at Chengdu Seder Table
Ahead of Pesach, a suggestion was circulated to leave an empty chair at the seder table to remember the hostages in Gaza. Following the Rebbe’s response to a similar idea, Rabbi Dovi Henig came up with a unique solution.
Rabbi Braun Sells Crown Heights’ Chometz
A large case of documents containing the declarations of thousands of Crown Heights residents was handed over by Harav Yosef Braun to the non-Jew at the Beis Din offices on Erev Pesach morning.
Our Communities
Watch: The Seder with the Rebbe
At a shiur at the Beinoni Shtiebel in Crown Heights, Rabbi Nochum Kaplan shared his firsthand account of what the Seder by the Rebbe was like, including many interesting details on the Rebbe’s minhagim and practices.
Moscow All Ready to Welcome Yom Tov with Joy
Residents of Moscow, Russia, finished all their preparations for the Yom Tov of Pesach by selling and burning their chometz and distributing “Kimcha DePischa” food packages at the Marina Roscha shul.
Rabbi Bluming Sells Chometz in Crown Heights
Rabbi Shmuel Bluming, along with Rabbi Levi Garelik of Crown Heights and Rabbi Mendel Bluming of Pomona, NY, sells chometz belonging to Anash and shluchim in New York and beyond.
Anash in Ramat Shlomo Burn the Chometz
Anash in the Chabad community of Ramat Shlomo in Yerushalayim under the leadership of Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Havlin burned their chometz in preparation for Pesach.
Crown Heights Residents Burn Their Chometz
Anash and bochurim hurried on Erev Pesach morning to fulfill the mitzva of biur chometz in a large trash container set up in front of 770 Eastern Parkway.
Preparing for Pesach in the Holy City
Residents of the holy city of Yerushalayim hurried to burn their chometz and prepare themselves for the Yom Tov of Pesach.
Kingston PA Rabbonim Sell Community’s Chometz
The chometz belonging to Anash and the general Jewish population of Kingston PA was sold by local rabbonim Rabbi Gedalya Oberlander and Rabbi Shimon Hellinger.
War Day 198: Soldier Succumbs to Wounds, Failed Terror Attacks
War Summary, Day One Hundred and Ninety Eight: Netanyahu says IDF will soon begin to hit Hamas hard, soldier injured by Hezbollah drone succumbs to wounds, series of terror attacks in Judea and Samaria with no Israeli casualties, and the U.S. is considering sanctioning additional IDF units.
770 Shul Scrubbed, Prepared for Pesach
With high traffic and year-round build-up, the main shul at 770 underwent thorough scrubbing and shining ahead of Pesach. New siddurim will also welcome mispalelim on Pesach night.
CHK Releases Product List for Pesach 5784
Crown Heights Kashrus has released this year’s updated list of products that are Kosher for Pesach.
Chof-K Product Gets Reform Hechsher for Pesach
Joyva’s Jell Rings, a product that has the Chof-K hechsher year round, got a new hechsher for Pesach from a reformed rabbi and may contain kitniyos.
Pittsburgh Zal Announces Additional Hanhala Member
The new Pittsburgh Zal has announced that Rabbi Dovid Markel, an experienced Maggid Shiur and writer of Chassidus, will join the Hanhala Staff of Bais Medrash Chabad of Pittsburgh.
Printable Guide Will Transform Pesach for Your Family
Yetzias Mitzrayim is the most formative concept in chinuch; your kids deserve to know its real-life relevance. Just in time for Pesach, Sichos in English released a brand new presentation of the Rebbe’s insights for children on “Bechol Dor VaDor.”
Jamaica Governor General Welcomes Chabad Delegation
In Jamaica, His Excellency the Governor General, Sir Patrick Allen, welcomed shliach Rabbi Yaakov Raskin and community members and proclaimed Yud Alef Nissan as Education and Sharing Day.
Download and Print: The Rebbe’s Pre-Pesach Message
Every year, the Rebbe would issue a michtav kloli before Pesach, addressing the theme of the Yom Tov. In this letter sent in 5725, the Rebbe wrote about the steps needed to go free from Egypt. Read and download here.
Helpline Hours to Change Over Pesach
The Pure Helpline for Taharas Hamishpacha will be accessible over Pesach via callback only. The helpline’s regular hours will resume on Thursday, May 2nd, 24 Nissan.
Watch: Non-Jewish Photographer’s Description of a Farbrengen
Amongst the many thousands packed into 770 to celebrate the Rebbe’s 80th birthday, Donal Holway, a photographer for the Washington Post, didn’t quite know what to expect. In an interview, he recalls his reaction upon entering the room, the overwhelming emotion, and how he positioned himself for the best pictures.
Nigun Project Produces Lively Tune for Pesach
In honor of Pesach, the “Gaagoim” project by shliach Rabbi Menachem Mendel Amar presents a lively Chabad Nigun: Nigun Simcha 157 in Sefer Hanigunim of unknown authorship.
Large Family on the Verge of Losing Their Home
A yungerman from Anash is grappling with an overwhelming and unimaginable crisis. The weight of unpaid bills, mounting loans, and the crushing burden of a past huge medical expense is causing him to lose his home.
Heal the Nation: Actualizing the Rebbe’s Vision for America
In honor of the Rebbe’s birthday, a project has been launched to actualize the Rebbe’s vision for a non-denominational prayer in American public schools. We sat down with the organizer, R’ Hillel Hellinger, to find out what the Rebbe said about it and why now is the time.
Low Alcohol Wine for Kiddush, Arba Kosos
Ask the Rov: How much alcohol must wine have to be considered wine? Rabbi Chaim Hillel Raskin responds.