When Rabbi Chaim Dovid Wichnin, Rosh Yeshivah of Tiferes Bachurim in Morristown and Rov of Anash in Monsey, was notified that he had a deadly illness, his first concern was “Oy! But I haven’t finished Shas yet!”
The Chabad Posek Who Was Respected By All
20 Tammuz marked the 70th yahrtzeit of the great Lubavitcher gaon and posek Rav Avrohom Chaim Noeh of Chevron and Yerushalayim, shliach of the Rebbe Rashab to Bukhara, author of Ketzos Hashulchan, and master of the halachic measures.
Harav Chai Yitzchok Twersky, Rachmastrivka Rebbe of Boro Park, 92
Harav Chai Yitzchok Twersky, the Rachmastrivka Rebbe of Boro Park, the most elder Admur of the generation, who had a unique yechidus with the Rebbe before his wedding, passed away.
Exclusive: Photo Discovered of R’ Hillel Gurevitch HYD
A never-before-seen picture of the chossid Reb Hillel Gurevitch, son of Reb Itche der Masmid, was just discovered in Riga, Latvia and is being shared for the first time on Anash.org.
Reb Pinye Korf, 86, AH
Rabbi Pinye Korf, who served for decades as a mashpia and taught Chassidus to thousands of bochurim and adults, and was seen as the quintessential chassidishe yid, passed away on Tuesday night.
The Rebbe’s Brother Who Said Ma’amarim
11 Cheshvan marks the yahrzeit of Reb Schneur Zalman Aron Schneersohn, known as the ‘Raza’, eldest son of the Rebbe Maharash. He wrote many chiddushei Torah but burned them all and asked that the ashes be buried alongside him.
The Chossid Who Had a Heart Attack When His Beard was Shaved
7 Elul is the yahrzeit of Reb Berel Levertov ‘Kabilaker’, a fiery chossid and ba’al mesiras nefesh, who passed away from heart failure after his beard was forcibly shaved in a Soviet prison in 5709/1949.
4 Elul: A Life and Death of Kiddush Hashem
Daled Elul is the yahrzeit of the gaon and chossid Harav Mendel Chein, rov of Nyezhim and pride of Chassidiei Chabad. He was murdered on this day during a pogrom in 5679/1919.
Harav Yisroel Moshe Friedman, The Sadigerrer Rebbe, 65
Harav Yisroel Moshe Friedman, the Sadigerrer Rebbe, whose father was close to the Rebbe, and who originally lived in Crown Heights, passed away Monday evening at his home.
Mrs. Chaya Sarah Feiga Alperovitch, 66, AH
With sadness, we regret to inform you of the passing Mrs. Chaya Sarah Feiga Alperovitch of Kfar Chabad. She was 66 years old.
Kopust and Lubavitch, 120 Years Later
Today marks 120 years since the passing of Reb Shlomo Zalman of Kopust, grandson of the Tzemach Tzedek and author of the Magen Avos. Read what the Rebbe said.
“A Bigger Lubavitcher Chossid Than Me”
Exclusive: The Novominsker Rebbe of Boro Park, president of Agudas Yisroel of America, passed away recently. In an interview with Anash.org, his close aid Rabbi Lipa Brennan spoke about the relationship the Novominsker and his ancestors had with our Rabbeim.
Reb Shmerel’s Soulful Voice Is Still Heard Decades Later
Reb Shmaryohu (Shmerel) Feldman of Klimovitch and Kfar Chabad, a vareme ba’al menagen and ba’al tefillah, passed away on Lag Ba’Omer, 5759/1999.
Mendel Berlin and his Grandfather’s Nigun
Among the Chabad nigunim in the newly discovered online archive are two sung by a Mendel Berlin who heard it from his grandfather “Reb Zalman.” Do we know who they were?
100-Year-Old Recordings Feature Singing Chossid
100-year-old recordings from the An-ski Ethnographic Expedition includes Lubavitcher nigunim sung by a chossid of the Rebbe Rashab.
The Chabad Casualty of Jordanian Shelling
Rabbi Shimon Bentzion Eisenbach, a precious Chabad chossid from Yerushalayim, was killed by Jordanian shelling during the War of Independence on Pesach Sheini in 5708/1948.
Reb Leibel Raskin: Six Decades of Shlichus
12 Iyar is the yahrtzeit of longtime shliach to Casablanca, Morocco, Rabbi Leibel Raskin, who passed away after an illness in 5764/2004.
Father and Son, Very Much the Same
9 Iyar is the yahrtzeit of Reb Nissan Nemanov and his son Reb Moshe Nemanov, the former in 5743/1983, the latter in 5772/2012.
Mir Rosh Yeshiva Eulogizes Rabbi Benny Wolff
In a virtual shiur to Mir Yeshiva students around the world, Rabbi Yitzchok Meir Sternbuch eulogized shliach Rabbi Benny Wolff a”h and his selfless desire to spread Yiddishkeit.
The Rebbe’s Gift Accompanied Him for Decades
Reb Yehosef HaLevi Dachoch of Bnei Brak passed away today. He was 80 years old and had no children. For decades he kept a small Tanya that he received as a child from the Rebbe’s shluchim.