From the Archives: Rabbi Mordechai Gurary

In honor of the shloshim of Rabbi Mordechai Gurary, a”h, we bring you a vintage photo from his wedding in Kfar Chabad some sixty years ago.

By staff

In honor of the shloshim of Rabbi Mordechai Gurary, a”h, rov of the Chevra Shas Shul in Crown Heights, we bring you a vintage photo from his wedding in Kfar Chabad some sixty years ago to the late Lea, a”h, daughter of Reb Zalman Bronstein.

Seated right is Harav Schneur Zalman Garelik, who was the rov of Kfar Chabad from the inception of the village in 5709/1949 until his passing on 8 Sivan, 5734/1974.

Seated left is Reb Meilach Perman, a tomim from Lubavitch and one of the first residents of Kfar Chabad. He passed away on 24 Shvat, 5729/1969.

Seated next to the chosson is Reb Nosson Nota Tzfasman of Kfar Chabad, who passed away in 5721/1961.


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