
How a Stolen Sukkah Can Be Kosher

In this week’s Choshen Mishpat Renaissance podcast, Rabbi Berel Polityko discusses ta’us akum as it applies to skip lagging and taking advantage of a glitch in an airline’s website. Listen here.


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A Jewish Burial in Rural Saskatchewan

When a man’s final request was to be buried in a simple pine box in Rural Saskatchewan, his non-Jewish sister-in-law happened to call a rabbi. After much effort, he was laid to rest in a Jewish cemetery that matched that description, the first person to be buried there in more than 70 years.


When a Normal Person Finishes His Day

As a bochur, Reb Shlomo Zarchi asked the Rebbe for guidance in cheshbon hanefesh. The Rebbe drew a distinction between avoda at Krias Shema She’al Hamita, which is done at specific times, and a basic calculation at the end of a day.


War Day 335: Hostages Tunnel Under Child’s Bedroom, 200 Terrorists Eliminated

War Summary, Day 334-335: Hostages were held in a tunnel under a child’s bedroom, Egypt pushing for IDF withdrawal from Rafah, U.S. senior administration official reveals proposal details including heavy concessions, IDF targets terrorists in the humanitarian zone, 200 terrorists eliminated in Tel Sultan, rocket fire in the north, and notorious terrorist eliminated in Tubas.


Would the Rebbe Approve the Name of This Podcast?

In the second episode of the “Hilchisa L’Meshica” podcast, Rabbi Avraham Schneerson explores whether the Rebbe would approve of the podcast name and the differences between the Rebbe and the Chofetz Chaim in learning halachos related to the geulah.


Russian Teens’ Trip Connected Them to Their Heritage

As the sun set over the Western Wall, casting a deep red glow across the ancient stones of the Old City, Esti from Riga, Latvia, stood in awe. At 17, she had never imagined she’d be here, singing together with thousands of other Jews as they welcomed the Shabbos together.


“Whose Ship Is This?”

Rebbetzin Devorah Groner, who together with her husband, Rabbi Yitzchak Dovid Groner, served at the helm of the Jewish community in Melbourne for almost 60 years, tells the story of their move to Australia and becoming established there.


Mashpiim: Bochurim with Draft Notices Should Not Travel for Tishrei

Following the annulment of the draft exemption for Yeshiva students by Israel’s Supreme Court and uncertainty about what will result, leading mashpiim in Eretz Yisroel are instructing bochurim to avoid the draft office, and not to leave the country if they received a notice even if means not traveling to New York for Tishrei.


Lubavitcher Photographer Attacked in Sofia, Bulgaria

Mordechai Lubecki, a Lubavitcher Photographer from Paris who travels the world, was attacked last night in Sofia, Bulgaria, by a man who threatened him with a knife and stole his yarmulka, while shouting “Hitler” at him.


Baby Girl
א׳ אלול ה׳תשפ״ד - September 4, 2024

Budapest Tefillin Campaign Inspires Hundreds

A tefillin campaign in Budapest run by a group of bochurim from the Brunoy Yeshiva attracted hundreds of locals and tourists across the city and near the famous ‘Shoes on the Danube Bank’ Holocaust memorial.

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