Levaya Held for R’ Moshe Habosha

Residents of Crown Heights came out to accompany R’ Moshe Habosha, a longtime Crown Heights resident, who passed away on Beis Elul.

Shiva Information:

881 Eastern Parkway #5

שחרית 8
מנחה 6:45
מעריב בזמנו

Shiva times :
Thursday ב’ אלול
ג׳ אלול
Motzei Shabbos:
מעריב בזמנו
ה׳ אלול- ז׳ אלול

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  1. BD”E
    I met him decades ago, when he worked with Rabbi Lider! 2 people who worked closely together for the health and welfare of the crown Heights community. May his memory be for a blessing.

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