The Day You Can Ask For Anything

In 5743, the Rebbe spoke about the date of 23 Sivan, and said that in line with what happened on this day during the Purim story, Hashem grants any request on this auspicious day.

By staff

In the farbrengen of Parshas Shlach 5743 (1983), the Rebbe addressed the date of 23 Sivan, today’s date.

The Rebbe said: “The Megilla relates that on this day, the 23rd of Sivan, after the hanging of Haman, ‘V’yikaru sofrei haMelech- the scribes of the King were called‘, and they wrote whatever Mordecai commanded.

“Mordechai drafted a royal decree giving the Jews the license to defend themselves and kill all who rise up against them to kill them, nullifying the previous decree of annihilation.

“The decree was dispatched to all 127 provinces of Achashverosh’s empire. (Book of Esther, chapter 8). This led to the Jewish people knowing how to defeat their enemies on the 13th of Adar which was then followed by the celebration of Purim.

“Everything from the Torah is eternal, repeating itself each year. This above-mentioned decree of Mordechai also repeats itself every 23rd of Sivan. Today the scribes are being called again to draft a royal decree, the ‘scribes’ being the scribes of Hashem, who is called Achashverosh, being that acharis v’reishis shelo, all belongs to him.

“The sofrim write whatever Mordecai asks. Every Jew is like Mordecai who doesn’t bow to anything against the Torah.

“On this day, the 23rd of Sivan, every Jew, even though they are in galus as Mordecai was, and even though there is a darkness, as there was during the decree of Haman, nevertheless, every Jew has the power to accomplish what he wants, the same way Mordecai accomplished. We can request what we want and our will granted by Hashem Himself.”

As the world shakes from one event after the next, the Rebbe’s holy words reverberate today more than ever. May we utilize the special day to daven for everything we need, and especially the one real solution, the coming of Moshiach.

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  1. Yasher koach for this notification. This date is new to me. I will take it to heart with Hashem’s help. May we live geula, and it is here.

  2. It seems to me that the Rebbe often explains that holidays, special days, etc. aren’t limited in their influence to that one day but rather act as a source for that particular concept, Divine influence, blessing, etc for every day of the year until that day reoccurs the following year.

    Each day that concept, Divine influence, etc. can increase in intensity, as all things in holiness constantly increase, until the next year at which time it is a revealed at an entirely new and higher level.

    Therefore, if you didn’t manage to find out about the 23rd of Sivan yet or didn’t make your special requests of Hashem yet, it’s not too late. Hashem, please send the Redemption immediately!

  3. Dear Hashem;
    I am unworthy but please in the merit of Rebbe, please grant a complete cure for my daughter Michelle Shira Bat Soraya Sarah as well as my other children Jonathan Isaac Ben Soraya Sara and Sofia Mirriam bat Soraya Sarah and for my wife Soraya Sarah bat Mohtaram. Please Hashem grant good health and prosperity to all of us, bring our hostages back and watch over our soldiers and the Jewish nation. May there be peace in Israel. Pls forgive all my mistakes and sins. Please accept my apologize for the way I treated my grandmother (mother) Ashraf Nehouray (may she rest in peace). She was a sadigh to me. Pls keep us protected from all danger. Make sure our investments are safe and will be there for our children. Grant me wealth so I cam do lots of charity. Please give patience to my wife and all of us. Please let us know how we can be of service. Please make sure that Jonathan and Sofia have a great time on their trip.
    Your servant
    Abraham ben Negar (Ashraf)

  4. Dear Hashem,
    I grew up in a traditional Jewish family, in fact my father was a kosher butcher, but we were not very orthodox back in the 1950s and ’60s respectively. I only became orthodox after reading a publication from the last Rebba Schneerson, may he rest in peace, about 2 years ago. A lot of things, some good but also perhaps bad, has happened to me in the last 2 to 3 years. In particular, my health has deteriorated significantly and I have begun to feel my age only last year at the age of 74. Everyday during prayers, I have a list of people that I pray for their health and well-being. So after saying this list which has grown over the last 2 years, I realized that You should be on the list. In fact, you are the first one on my list! So I pray for you Hashem, and at the same time wonder if you have any health issues or is that even possible? After all, you are quite old compared to humans although I suspect nobody knows your age (but you’re certainly are more than 5,784 Earth years).

    Here, I would only ask you for a special blessing to heal my new and acute medical conditions which are preventing me from doing things like cooking for Shabbos. Sometimes I have difficulty standing up while we are dovening or cooking for Shabbos because I feel so tired of my body feels heavy. And with fluid retention and secondary weight gain, I don’t feel like exercising which I did too regularly before (and I know it’s better for my health). So if you could do something to let these medications work which were in fact just adjusted earlier today, I would be most appreciative and grateful.
    Toda and Layla tov Hashem even though I am aware that you don’t sleep. However, we mere mortal and simple humans do require that restorative sleep.

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