
L’Chaim: Nachshon – Levy

Photos: Shalom Ross/

The L’Chaim of Yossi Nachshon of Dniepr, Ukraine, and Tami Levy of Buenos Aires, Argentina, took place at Rubashkin’s in Crown Heights.


War Day 149: Sderot Schools Reopen, Drones Reach the Galilee

War Summary, Day One Hundred and Forty-Nine: Muhammad Abed Khad, who was responsible for recruiting new Hamas terrorists was eliminated, schools reopened in Sderot today for the first time since before the Simchas Torah attack, and Hezbollah fire continued on Israel’s far north, including two attack drones in the upper Galilee that triggered air-raid sirens as far as Amuka.


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Baby Girl
כ״ד אדר א׳ ה׳תשפ״ד - March 3, 2024

LGHS Settles Into Their “Home Away from Home”

With great excitement and anticipation, Lubavitch Girls High School of Chicago has unveiled its brand-new Student Center and Dorm building, igniting a wave of enthusiasm among students, faculty, and the wider community.


Baby Girl
כ״ג אדר א׳ ה׳תשפ״ד - March 3, 2024

War Day 148: Man stabbed in Chevron, IDF Enter Abasan Area

In southern Gaza, the IDF made three recent moves. The first was an in-and-out sweep along the coast (see the arrows), then a maneuver in the Abadan area (in white) right next to the Israel border, and most recently is heading north of Khan Younis to Al-Qarara (see the pin). Map from warmapper on Twitter/X

War Summary, Day One Hundred and Forty-Eight: A Palestinian stabbed a 57-year-old Jewish man after he entered ad-Dhahiriya, Chevron to visit a doctor, terrorist Ahmed Abu Seta who was seen in a video from the Simchas Torah massacre inside southern Israel was eliminated today, and IDF enter the “Abasan area,” which is two km from Israel, and is the location from where Hamas terrorists set out on Simchas Torah to attack the yishuvim.


Baby Girl
כ״ג אדר א׳ ה׳תשפ״ד - March 2, 2024

Who’s Making Chinuch Decisions in Our Schools?

Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: In the summer of 5718 (1958), there was a huge controversy amongst activists and journalists about a certain demonstration about Eretz Yisroel. At a farbrengen, the Rebbe noted that with all the screaming and blaming, people were missing the most vital point.


He Got the Czar’s Mattresses for the Rebbe

When the Frierdiker Rebbe asked R’ Boruch Sholom Kahn to buy mattresses for the Rebbe Rashab and Rebbetzin Shterna Sara, he went to the fanciest store and was not satisfied until they gave him the mattresses designated for Czar Nikolai II.


Picture of the Day

Photo: Shalom Ross/

YU students in Crown Heights for the annual Chabad Club Shabbaton pose in front of 770 with their bochurim chavrusos for a group photo.


CKids Shabbaton’s Greatest Secret 

Behind every JewQ Champion is a JewQ Parent. Supporting them, helping them learn and become experts in their heritage. The upcoming CKids Shabbaton will give these unsung champions the opportunity to learn, enjoy, and be inspired together with their children.


How to Get Rid of Personal Bacteria

Mr. Yehudah Leib Unger, an entrepreneur from Pittsburgh, PA, invested in a new patent to recycle cloth bags. The Rebbe taught him an important lesson about how to eliminate bacteria and germs.

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