
‘If You Want To Learn From Me…’

Though some chassidim avoided the Tiferes Yisrael commentary on Mishnayos, the Rebbe said he used it. But when Reb Osher Sasonkin said he would therefore copy the Rebbe, the Rebbe advised him to copy him in other ways.


Baby Girl
ד׳ ניסן ה׳תשפ״ד - April 12, 2024

War Day 188: No Sirens All Day, UN Failing to Deliver Aid

Terrorist equipment confiscated from Palestinian suspects in Judea and Samaria

War Summary, Day One Hundred and Eighty Eight: There were no reported missiles from Hezbollah today, in an eerie quiet—the first since the war began, the content of 600 aid trucks is waiting to be collected by the UN on the Gaza side of Kerem Shalom, and Mossad and IDF approve plans in case of attack from Iran.


Milei Gives Emotional Speech After Receiving Award at Chabad

After receiving the “Ambassador of Light” award at the Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson Center’s inaugural dinner, President of Argentina Javier Milei gave an emotional speech, sharing moments in his life that cemented his deep ties to the Jewish community.


L’Chaim: Rozenblat – Lesches

Photos: Shalom Ross/

The L’Chaim of Moshe Rozenblat of Cedarhurst, NY, and Moussia Lesches of Melbourne, Australia, was celebrated at the FREE Shul in Crown Heights.


Levaya Held for Mrs. Fruma Junik

The levaya for Mrs. Fruma Junik, the wife of the mashbak R’ Berel Junik AH and the matriarch of a large Lubavitch family, passed by 770 on the way to kevura in Montefiore Cemetery.


70 Years: The Story of ‘Mivtza Matzah’

Marking 70 years since the launch of Mivtza Matzah, Vaad Or Vechom Hahiskashrus presents an overview of the history of the Rebbe’s campaign to distribute shmura matza to Yidden everywhere.


“I’ve Never Heard a Rabbi Like This”

Rabbi Sholom Ber Lipskar, director of The Aleph Institute, shares what happened when a group of prisoners came to the Rebbe’s Shabbos fabrengen and the Rebbe’s sensitivity that astounded them all.


War Day 187: Biden Calls for Unconditional Cease-Fire, Iran Attack Imminent

War Summary, Day One Hundred and Eighty Seven: President Biden criticized Israel for the way the war is being conducted and demanded an unconditional cease-fire for six weeks, Iran continues to threaten Israel with a response to the assassination of IRGC generals in Syria, and a Lebanese money changer named Mohammad Sarour was found shot in his home by Mossad agents.


A Conversation with the Rebbe Rashab on a Park Bench

Shoskes and the Rebbe Rashab over the park in Sloviansk

Journalist Dr. Chaim Shoskes records an encounter he had with the Rebbe Rashab in the resort town of Sloviansk and the fascinating conversation they had after the Czar was killed.


Mrs. Fruma Junik, AH

Mrs. Fruma Junik, daughter of the mashpia R’ Avraham Boruch Pevzner and wife of the mashbak R’ Berel Junik, and the matriarch of a large Lubavitch family, passed away.

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