War Day 184: Six Months at War, Iran Sends Hostage Family Flowers

The flower wreath which Iran attempted to send to the family of a hostage.

War Summary, Day One Hundred and Eighty Four: Today marks six months since the start of the war, Iran sent a wreath of flowers with a cruel note to a family of one of the hostages claiming that their daughter was killed, and after four moths of fighting in Khan Younis and the area, the IDF withdrew all troops from Southern Gaza.


L’Chaim: Hecht – Simpson

Photos: Shalom Ross/Anash.org

The L’Chaim of Shmuli Hecht of Sunnyvale, CA, and Chana Simpson of Cincinnati, Ohio, took place at the Lubavitch Yeshiva hall in Crown Heights.


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Live: JewQ Championship for Jewish Education

Today, at 12:00 PM EST, the international JewQ Championship takes the stage, highlighting an unparalleled engagement in Jewish learning among youth from 250 communities across 25 countries.


Young Shluchim Enjoy Chidon Retreat in New York

With Tzitzis flying in the wind and fists closed tightly on their Mishnayos Baal Peh cards, nearly 100 Yaldei Hashluchim whizzed around the Port Washington Ice Skating Rink, as part of the MyShliach Chidon retreat.


War Day 183: Jordanian Shot at Soldier, Hostage Body Rescued

A Hamas weapons depot with more than 40 explosive devices and a ton of explosive material, found in Khan Younis. Hamas and PIJ weapons are spread throughout several thousands of urban locations in Gaza.

War Summary, Day One Hundred and Eighty Three: In Yerushalayim today, a 17-year-old was caught walking around with a large knife hiding under his clothing and confessed that he was looking for someone to stab, IDF soldiers rescued the body of Elad Katzir, 47, who was taken hostage on Simchas Torah, and IDF troops in an army vehicle came under fire from a gunman in Jordan.


Yeshiva Takes Over the Rebbe’s Hotel in Nice

Tracing the Rebbe’s Travels: In Nice, France, the bochurim visited a shul where the Rebbe had davened, a cable car station the Rebbe used, and the American consulate. They then stayed in the hotel where the Rebbe stayed, debating if they should use the same room.


It’s Your Fear That Causes You to Fail

Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: The Maharal shares an interesting experiment: Place a beam of wood over a river and notice that most people won’t succeed in crossing to the end. Place the same beam on the ground and no one will fall off. It’s the thought of falling that causes us to fall.


L’Chaim: Smoller – Sirota

Photos: Shalom Ross/Anash.org

The L’Chaim of Mendy Smoller of S. Diego, CA, and Chaya Sirota of Crown Heights, was celebrated at the Lubavitch Yeshiva hall.


Erev Shabbos Around Crown Heights

Photos: Shalom Ross/Anash.org

The streets and shops of Crown Heights were full on Friday as residents and guests prepared for Shabbos. Plus Shalom Zachar list.

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