International CKids Shabbaton Kicks Off in Stamford, CT

Stamford, CT, welcomed nearly 1,000 participants from 250 communities worldwide for the opening of the CKids Shabbaton, bringing the hotel to life with the buzz of new friendships and excitement.

Stamford, CT, welcomed nearly 1,000 participants from 250 communities worldwide for the opening of the CKids Shabbaton. From France to Panama, families gathered, bringing the hotel to life with the buzz of new friendships and excitement. The day began with the children joining their assigned bunks and meeting their counselors while parents engaged in a program filled with talks and workshops from notable speakers.

“For parents seeking to raise their children as proud Jews in today’s world, knowing they are part of a global community is crucial,” said Rabbi Mendy Kotlarsky, Executive Director of Merkos 302. “We hope this weekend shows them they’re not alone in their journey.”

The uplifting weekend, packed with activities, leads up to the JewQ International Championship on Sunday, celebrating the culmination of months of preparation by the children to master fundamental Jewish knowledge. Watch the finalists compete for the JewQ International Championship Title this Sunday 12:00 PM at 

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