This week’s Rebbe Responsa booklet includes fascinating English letters from the Rebbe on Pashas Hachodesh, the importance and benefits of keeping Kosher, and a newly-released letter.
Several times a year (particularly before Rosh Hashanah and Pesach) the Rebbe would write a letter addressed to “The Sons and Daughters of Our People Israel, Everywhere” outlining the Message and lesson of an upcoming holiday or important date. In this week’s booklet, you will find one such letter, written in connection with Parshas Hachodesh which is read this week.
In this week’s Torah portion, Parshas Shemini, G-d commands us on some of the observances of Kosher. Published below is a selection of letters on the importance and benefits of keeping Kosher.
Over the past few weeks, Rebbe Responsa has been receiving tens of new letters which they are soon to publish. They kindly request anyone who may be in possession of letters of the Rebbe in English, to send it to them by email so that these unique treasures can benefit the public. Published at the end of the booklet is a newly-released letter.
Last week, in honor of the wedding of Rebbe Responsa’s co founder, we published a Teshurah with the letters from the Rebbe on the topic of Kosher Meditation. The letters were annotated and supplemented with an introduction.
In honor of 11 Nissan Rebbe Responsa is sending a daily newly-released letter. To receive these priceless new treasures subscribe to their recently launched WhatsApp series.
These selected letters are sourced from the extensive collection of over 5,000 English letters written by the Rebbe, accessible through the Rebbe Responsa app. To view previous issues click here.
Click here to download the booklet.
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