Families Brought Purim Joy to Sheepshead Bay and Themselves

Thanks to the Anash community of Crown Heights, thousands of Yidden in Sheepshead Bay celebrated Purim like never before. Anash highlighted how it enhanced Purim joy of their own families.

Thanks to the Anash community of Crown Heights, thousands of Yidden in Sheepshead Bay celebrated Purim like never before. Many bochurim and Crown Heights families joined together in helping other Yidden perform the mitzvos of Purim. Megillahs were read, Mishloach manos were given and happiness was spread far and wide.

Participants emphasized its dual impact: not only did it bring joy to the residents of Sheepshead Bay, but it also enhanced Purim for the Crown Heights families.

The organized nature of the mivtzoim efforts was particularly noteworthy. All details were arranged in advance. Packages, routes, costumes and instructions, every detail was covered. There was even the option of having all the equipment delivered to the families who would be going on mivtzoim.

Chabad of Sheepshead Bay would like to say a big thank you to all the participants!

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