770 Shul Scrubbed, Prepared for Pesach

Photos: Mendy Eisenshtein

With high traffic and year-round build-up, the main shul at 770 underwent thorough scrubbing and shining ahead of Pesach. New siddurim will also welcome mispalelim on Pesach night.


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Printable Guide Will Transform Pesach for Your Family

Yetzias Mitzrayim is the most formative concept in chinuch; your kids deserve to know its real-life relevance. Just in time for Pesach, Sichos in English released a brand new presentation of the Rebbe’s insights for children on “Bechol Dor VaDor.”


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Helpline Hours to Change Over Pesach

The Pure Helpline for Taharas Hamishpacha will be accessible over Pesach via callback only. The helpline’s regular hours will resume on Thursday, May 2nd, 24 Nissan.


Watch: Non-Jewish Photographer’s Description of a Farbrengen

Amongst the many thousands packed into 770 to celebrate the Rebbe’s 80th birthday, Donal Holway, a photographer for the Washington Post, didn’t quite know what to expect. In an interview, he recalls his reaction upon entering the room, the overwhelming emotion, and how he positioned himself for the best pictures.


Heal the Nation: Actualizing the Rebbe’s Vision for America

In honor of the Rebbe’s birthday, a project has been launched to actualize the Rebbe’s vision for a non-denominational prayer in American public schools. We sat down with the organizer, R’ Hillel Hellinger, to find out what the Rebbe said about it and why now is the time. 


Pesach Purchases for Beginners & Beyond

With Pesach fast approaching, Rabbi Nissan Zibell of ‘Kashrus: Be in the Know’ shares valuable insight and helpful picture guides and lists to help you navigate the supermarket.


War Day 197: Turkey Welcomes Hamas Leaders, US Sanctions IDF Battalion

War Summary, Day One Hundred and Ninety Seven: Sinwar’s deputy and head of Hamas in Judea and Samaria given a royal welcoming by Turkish President Erdogan, US Secretary of State Tony Blinken is expected to announce sanctions on the IDF Charedi Netzach Yehuda battalion, and the U.S. House of Representatives approved a $17 billion security aid package for Israel.


Sometimes It’s Better Not To Notice

Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: As parents or spouses, we often see “afflictions” in members of our households that need correction. Yom tov, and particularly Erev Pesach, can be an especially tense time. But let’s consider how Hashem tells the kohen to turn a blind eye so that the Yid can experience simchas yom tov.


He Battled His Yetzer Hara Ruthlessly

Undoubtedly an unconventional chossid, Reb Zalman Moshe Hayitzchaki was devoted to the truth with his whole heart. He fought hard with his yetzer hara, using harsh and sometimes colorful terms to put it away.


L’Chaim: Amar – Norton

Photos: Shalom Ross/Anash.org

The L’Chaim of Mendy Amar of Moshav Mivtahim, Eretz Yisroel, and Faigy Norton of Los Angeles, CA, was celebrated at The Shull in Crown Heights.



Erev Shabbos, 11 Nissan, Around Crown Heights

Photos: Shalom Ross/Anash.org

Anash.org photographer Shalom Ross captured Crown Heights residents and guests filling the streets and shops in preparation for Shabbos.  Plus Shalom Zachar list.

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