
Photos: 770’s Tashlich Pond in 5735

Historical photos from the archive of R’ Shmuel Zalmanov of Montreal shows an earlier version of 770’s tashlich pond in 5735 (1975), built by 770’s bedek habayis, led by Rabbi Chaim Boruch Halbershtam.


‘To The Sons and Daughters of Our People Israel, Everywhere’

Every year before Rosh Hashana, the Rebbe would write a letter addressed to “The Sons and Daughters of Our People Israel, Everywhere” containing an inspiring message and a call to action for the New Year. This week’s booklet also discusses how we must start off the year with action and that Rosh Hashanah must influence the entire year.


The Chair We Haven’t Used Since 1960

Rabbi Shmuel Butman recalls the Rebbe’s visits to their home in Paris, the dishes and tricycle the Rebbe gave them, and a special chair on which the Rebbe sat during a shiva visit.


‘May Your Tekios Be Heard’

After midnight on the night before Rosh Hashana, Reb Leibel Bistritzky was saying Tehillim upstairs in 770, when the Rebbe walked in. After inquiring whether he would be blowing shofar, the Rebbe gave him a maamar and a special bracha.


Simply Give! A Meal for Every Guest

The Rebbe actively supported this vital organization, and in 5748 (1988), personally donating $10,000 to Eshel-Hachnosas Orchim. Today, they continue their remarkable work, providing essential services to those in need.


No Mayonnaise on Rosh Hashana? feature: Dayan Levi Yitzchok Raskin, Rov of Anash in London, explores interesting Torah questions and halachic dilemmas including mayonnaise on Rosh Hashana, husband’s hatoras nedorim for his wife, haircut obligation on erev Rosh Hashana, and tearing letters on Yom Tov for food.


At Babi Yar Memorial, Zelensky Backs Israel

At a memorial ceremony with shluchim at Babi Yar, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky highlighted the struggle against an “axis of evil,” describing it as “a war of the West fighting for its life against a bloodthirsty coalition bent on wars and conquering territories of its rivals, at the cost of lives.”


Derher Creates Tishrei Mini Site

With Yom Tov approaching so quickly, have we had a chance to fully prepare? How can we ensure this is a meaningful Tishrei, a true “Chossid’s Tishrei”? A Chassidisher Derher has created just what you need.


Photos: The Kever of R’ Yochanan Hasandlar

The kever of the tanna R’ Yochanan Hasandlar, “the shoemaker,” is not far from the kever of R’ Shimon Bar Yochai in Miron. Lubavitcher photographer Mordechai Lubecki visited the site and captured photos of it.


500 Women Unite at Powerful Challah Bake for Eretz Yisroel

On Thursday, Chof Daled Elul, over 500 women gathered for a moving community-wide challah bake for the protection of Eretz Yisroel and the safe return of the hostages. It also marked the 50th anniversary of the Rebbe’s Mivtza Neshek campaign, making it an opportune time to focus on the three mitzvos uniquely tied to Jewish women.


Seventh Year Smicha Celebration in Buenos Aires

For the seventh consecutive year, a remarkable Smicha celebration was held at the Beis Midrash of Colel Ohel Yosef Moshe in Buenos Aires, Argentina, highlighting the hard work of the musmachim and their achievement in attaining Semicha.


War Day 360: Hamas Militia Defeated, Lebanon Ground Entry Began

War Summary, Day 360: Hamas’s military in Gaza has been defeated and all that’s left of it is a guerrilla terror group which will take time to dismantle completely, rround 2:00 AM on Tuesday morning, the IDF confirmed that a limited incursion has begun in several border area villages in Southern Lebanon, and Israel has wiped out the top echelons of Hezbollah and most of the middle as well.


Worcester Welcomes Torah in Memory of R’ Yaakov Zilberman

The community of Worcester, Massachusetts, dedicated a new Torah in memory of R’ Yaakov Zilberman a”h in honor of his second yahrtzeit. The Torah, donated by the Zilberman and Fogelman families, was joyfully carried through the streets to Central Mass Chabad. 

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