Simply Give! A Meal for Every Guest

For more than fifty years, Eshel-Hachnosas Orchim, the veteran and main organization, has represented you in taking care of all the needs of the Tishrei guests, providing each guest with full, nourishing meals – both in the morning and in the evening.

Throughout the month of Tishrei, thousands of guests come to be near the Rebbe, and Eshel works tirelessly to care for them in every way. In the three large dining halls, thousands of meals are distributed daily to all guests, from young bochurim to adults. These are full, satisfying meals, served both in the morning and evening, including a variety of salads and side dishes. Three enormous kitchens operate around the clock to ensure that every guest receives their portion.

In addition, Eshel provides beds, mattresses, and sleeping equipment for those who have found a place to stay but do not have their own bedding, ensuring that every guest has a comfortable place to rest.

Spiritually, Eshel provides organized learning sessions at 770, along with shiurim, farbrengens, and workshops for all the guests throughout the month of Tishrei.

To donate, click here:

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This year, the sharp rise in food prices has placed a heavy financial burden on Eshel, especially with the large number of guests coming to be with the Rebbe at Beis Chayenu during this time.

What does it cost to host all these guests?

3,000 Bochurim
1,400 Girls
1,000 Yungeleit
In addition, over 750 families come just for Sukkos and Simchas Torah.

The cost of hosting each guest:

1 day – $36
2 days – $72
5 days – $180
10 days – $360
The total for the month is $770 per guest.

The Rebbe’s appreciation and personal concern for his guests is well known. The Rebbe actively supported this important organization, and in 5748 (1988), the Rebbe personally donated $10,000 to Eshel-Hachnosas Orchim. The Rebbe also emphasized many times that the responsibility of hosting the guests falls on the local community.

Now is your opportunity to take part in this important mitzvah and support the Rebbe’s guests. Let’s come together – family, friends, and neighbors – to give the guests what they need. Without a doubt, your generosity will bring the Rebbe’s blessings for children, life, and livelihood in abundance.

Simply Give. A Meal for Every Guest.

To donate, click here:

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