Missile Hits Chabad School, Miraculously No Israeli Casualties

An Iranian missile made a direct hit on a Chabad Reshet school in Gadera, blasting the wall and creating a huge crater, but BH the kids were away. The only casualty from all 181 missiles was an Arab from Gaza who smuggled in.

An Iranian missile made a direct hit on a Chabad Reshet school, Beit Sefer Shalhavot, in Gadera, blasting the wall and creating a huge crater. BH, there were no kids were at the school at the time of attack.

Reports are emerging of a Gaza resident who illegally infiltrated into Israel being killed when one of the missiles, or possibly shrapnel from an interceptor, landed in Yericho – making a Palestinian the only reported casualty of the massive aerial attack.

Please donate here to help fix the school so learning can resume!

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