
‘The Problem With Many Bochurim…’

In an early yechidus, bochur Berl Yunik complained of his highs and lows in his avodas Hashem. The Rebbe reassured him that fluctuation is normal and then went on to outline the problem of many bochurim which can be easily resolved.


War Day 307: Hostage Mediation Summit Scheduled, Fires Up North

Israeli airstrike in Southern Lebanon

War Summary, Day 307: The three mediators of the hostage deal- US, Qatar, and Egypt- released a joint statement calling for a grand summit, to take place on August 15th, for the creation of a ceasefire-hostage deal, Gallant confirms that Israelis will receive some kind of advance warning before the Iran attack, and an increasing number of intelligence reports indicate that Hezbollah may begin their attack separately from Iran.


Miriam Mintz, 30, AH

Mrs. Miriam Mintz, dedicated educator and wife of activist Rabbi Mendel Mintz who organized large unity events in Crown Heights, passed away on Thursday, 4 Av.


Longtime Dutch Shliach Memorialized at Shul Naming

Jews from all parts of the Netherlands came together to honor Rabbi Yitzchak Vorst, the first shliach who served for more than 60 years until his passing last year. His shul in Amstelveen, an Amsterdam suburb, was renamed “Bais Yitzchak” in his memory.


Live: Nine Days Siyum Broadcast

Live at 7:00 PM: Following the Rebbe’s instruction to hold siyumim daily, a live siyum will be broadcast by Rabbi Zalman Shneur, executive director of the Menachem Education Foundation, on masechta Eruvin.


CTeen Summer Group Meets Former Ambassador to Israel

At the Ramada Hotel in Yerushalayim, a diverse group of Jewish teenagers who are part of CTeen’s Mission to Eretz Yisroel met with Former US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman who boosted their sense of belonging and Jewish pride.


New Taharas Hamishpacha Course Starting for Shluchim

For a year and a half, about thirty shluchim have participated in a thorough and comprehensive course learning Hilchos Taharas Hamishpacha. Next week, a new cycle of the course will begin, which will extend for the next year and a half.


Gan Yisroel of Crown Heights Holds Rosh Chodesh Rally

Campers of Gan Yisroel of Crown Heights gathered this Monday for a unique Rosh Chodesh rally for a speedy recovery for Menachem Mendel Ben Nechama Dina and Menachem Mendel Ben Feiga with a juggling and fire show by ‘Der Geller.’


A Makeover On a Stopover

Mrs. Esther Sternberg was a shy teenager who felt inhibited speaking in front of people. Despite that, the Rebbe charged her with a mission to speak in front of and inspire hundreds of girls which changed the trajectory of her life.


War Day 306: Soldiers Saved from Bomb Trap, Tehran Starts Training

War Summary, Day 306: Iran warned international airlines to avoid flying over certain parts of Iran indicating that they would be carrying out training exercises during those hours, IDF soldiers saved from bombing trap, and Israel cleared of claims it starved Gazans as a war crime.


Live: Nine Days Siyum Broadcast

Live at 7:00 PM: Following the Rebbe’s instruction to hold siyumim daily, a live siyum will be broadcast by Rabbi Shea Werner, director of Chabad of Stony Point, on masechta Nazir.


European Rabbinic Forum Held at Chabad of Athens, Greece

For the twelfth consecutive year, European rabbis gathered for an annual forum on a variety of important topics including education, Shalom Bayis, STaM, and current issues. The forum was held at Chabad of Athens, Greece, led by shliach Rabbi Mendel Hendel.


Baby Girl
ג׳ אב ה׳תשפ״ד - August 6, 2024

Sitting on a Tree Swing on Shabbos? feature: Dayan Levi Yitzchok Raskin, Rov of Anash in London, explores interesting Torah questions and halachic dilemmas including tree swing on Shabbos, birkas haTorah when waking up during the night, and what day to keep Shabbos on the American Samoa islands.

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