In Summer Months, Mesivta Branches Out to Share the Light

During the summer months, the Moscow Mesivta branches out to multiple cities across Russia, bringing their excitement for Torah learning wherever they go and spreading Yiddishkeit in those far-flung cities.

“It was a tremendous privilege for us to host your dear students who made a huge kiddush Hashem with their behavior and manners….” “All those who saw them don’t stop raving about them, from the community members to the kitchen staff and the janitors…”

These are just a tiny drop of the feedback that came to the office of the Chief Rabbi of Russia Berel Lazar, founder of Moscow’s Yeshiva system. At his initiative, the Yeshiva Ketana, located all year in the Istra borough of Moscow, was chosen to relocate during the summer months in order to enable its premises to be used as Camp Gan Yisroel for hundreds of Jewish children.

Their program began in the city of Nizhni Novgorod, on a large estate on the banks of the Volga River, which was arranged by the city’s Shliach Rabbi Shimon Bergman. After intense learning and studies, the students split into groups and traveled to other cities like Kazan, the capital of Tatarstan. There they were hosted by the city’s Shliach Rabbi Yitzchok Garelik. Another group flew to Irkutsk in Siberia, where they were hosted by the city’s Shliach Rabbi Ahron haKohen Wagner.

In each of the cities the students created a serious atmosphere of Torah learning as they volunteered to learn with the local Jews. During the long Friday afternoons, they did house visits, enabling more Jews to put on Tefilin, putting up mezuzas, bringing kosher food, and finding new Jewish children who could benefit from Moscow’s Jewish educational institutions.

The students arrived by planes, busses, and trains after intensive preparations. They were prepared in ruchniyus by their Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Moshe Lerman, along with the yeshiva’s mashpiim Rabbi Chonon Teichtel, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Wilansky and Rabbi Menachem Mendel Ruderman, as well as the Ramim, Mashgichim, and Talmidim haShluchim.

The logistical and gashmiyus side was overseen by the yeshiva’s menahel gashmi Rabbi Yosef Moshe Weisberg along with his assistants, who worked days and nights to arrange the many technical details in the very best way. The blessed results speak for themselves and the yeshiva’s good name spread far and wide creating a stir and a large Kiddush Hashem.


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