Live: Farbrengen to Mark 3rd Yahrtzeit of Reb Yoel

Live at 2:30 PM ET: Mashpiim and chassidim from around the world, students of the legendary mashpia Reb Yoel Kahn, will join together in a virtual farbrengen in honor of Reb Yoel’s third yahrtzeit this Shabbos.

On Thursday at 2:30 PM Easterb Time, Mashpiim and chassidim from around the world, students of the legendary mashpia Reb Yoel Kahn, will join together in a virtual farbrengen in honor of Reb Yoel’s third yahrtzeit this Shabbos.

In his role as the head mashpia of the Tomchei Temimim Yeshiva at 770, Reb Yoel guided thousands of students in the teachings of Chassidus. He also traveled far and wide to give shiurim in Chassidus and to farbreng. His audio recordings and written shiurim are used by many more around the world.

The farbrengen will be led by a broad list of respected mashpiim and shluchim around the world.

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  1. In honor of his yortziet, people should commit to learning for another 3 minutes or doing another three inyonei dekedusha

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