Gan Yisroel of Crown Heights Holds Rosh Chodesh Rally

Campers of Gan Yisroel of Crown Heights gathered this Monday for a unique Rosh Chodesh rally for a speedy recovery for Menachem Mendel Ben Nechama Dina and Menachem Mendel Ben Feiga with a juggling and fire show by ‘Der Geller.

Campers of Gan Yisroel of Crown Heights gathered this Monday for a unique Rosh Chodesh rally, the boys said the 12 Pesukim followed by Yechi, Tehillim for Eretz Yisroel and for a speedy recovery for Menachem Mendel Ben Nechama Dina and Menachem Mendel Ben Feiga, the boys enjoyed a juggling and fire show by ‘Der Geller.’

The rally inspired the boys to add in Achdus and Ahavas Yisroel during the 9 days.

Photos by Mully Berger Photography.


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