
8th Grade Boys Rewarded for End-of-Year Mivtza

After completing an end-of-year mivtza, students of the Lubavitcher Yeshiva 8th grade were rewarded with an event including a pizza bar, salad bar, cereal bar, as well as other exciting activities and games.


Moshiach Chidon Gala Banquet Recap

The international Moshiach Chidon, held on Gimmel Tammuz, brought together Bochurim from around the world to honor their commitment to learning Inyonei Geulah uMoshiach. The event saw twenty-two finalists from various Chabad Yeshivos showcasing their profound knowledge of the Rebbe’s Torah about Moshiach.


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7th Annual ‘One People One Heart’ Event in Seattle

A large crowd of attendees from all over Washington State attended the annual Jewish unity event, entitled “One People, One Heart – An Evening of Unity & Inspiration Commemorating the Teachings & Impact of the Lubavitcher Rebbe.”


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The Rebbe Gave Incredible Brachos, And We Can Tap In

There aren’t many institutions that the Rebbe would personally fundraise for. But for the Oholei Yosef Yitzchok network in Eretz Yisroel – “the Reshet”, the Rebbe would hold an appeal every year, and offer brachos to each donor.


Chassidus Projects Publishes Breakthrough Maamar Aid

In the wake of Gimmel Tammuz, the conversation and thoughts of every chossid is how we can deepen our connection to the Rebbe through learning his Torah. This breakthrough format empowers and gives tools to access the original text.


Houston Community Opened New Educational Campus

Just a week before Hurricane Beryl hit Houston, over 100 community members gathered to celebrate the opening of a new Chabad Lubavitch Education Campus with a grand ribbon-cutting ceremony and hanging a mezuzah.


At the Kosel, Campus Shluchim Hold Moving Seder Nigunim

Close to 200 Campus Shluchim from 14 countries at the Chabad on Campus International Kinus HaShluchim in Eretz Yisroel posed for a group photo in three special locations: the Kosel, Me’aras Hamachpela, and 770 in Kfar Chabad. At the Kosel, they held a special seder nigunim.


Arsons Set Fire to Shul in Obninsk, Russia

The Jewish community in Obninsk, Russia was shaken after vandals set fire to their local shul. The attack, which targeted the shul’s electrical room, caused significant damage but thankfully resulted in no injuries.


Baby Girl
ט׳ תמוז ה׳תשפ״ד - July 14, 2024

Baby Boy
ט׳ תמוז ה׳תשפ״ד - July 14, 2024

Unique Manuscripts Showcased at JEM’s Gimmel Tamuz Event

On Gimmel Tammuz, members and supporters of the JEM Foundation gathered to celebrate and support its pioneering work. Before the main program, a group of guests were treated to an exclusive pre-event, showcasing original, handwritten edits made by the Rebbe on different publications.


Florida Boys Excel in Farher with Miami Rosh Yeshiva

At the end of the school year, boys from Coral Springs, Florida, who mastered some or all of a Masechta Gemara were farherred by Rabbi Leibel Schapiro, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Gedolah of Miami, who was impressed by their level of learning.


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