A large crowd from the London wider chassidishe community joined the Gimmel Tammuz Farbrengen in London with Antwerp shliach and renowned speaker Rabbi Shabsai Slavaticki.
A large crowd from the London wider chassidishe community joined the Gimmel Tammuz Farbrengen in London.
The world-renowned Rabbi Shabsai Slavaticki, known internationally for his passionate farbrengens and lectures, traveled from Antwerp to lead the Farbrengen and inspired the crowd with stories and messages we learn from the Rebbe. At the request of the many who join the farbrengens, the event was set out as a farbrengen rather than a lecture and attracted many who joined until the end at three in the morning.
The magazine Ki Karov was reprinted and distributed throughout the many tens of Shuls in Stamford Hill, London, which brought many to a new appreciation of the Rebbe. The magazine advertised the event on the back page.
This fabrengen was held at the Heichal Limmud of Merkaz Letoras Hachassidus – London, and arranged by Rabbi Avremel Raskin.
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Recordings can be accessed here.
Thank you Rabbi Levi Yitzchok Liberow all your hard work over the years has truly shown tremendous Hatzlocho
Keep on going MLGA. Make London great again
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