Chassidus Projects Publishes Breakthrough Maamar Aid

In the wake of Gimmel Tammuz, the conversation and thoughts of every chossid is how we can deepen our connection to the Rebbe through learning his Torah. This breakthrough format empowers and gives tools to access the original text.

In the wake of 30 years since Gimmel Tammuz, the conversation and thoughts of every chossid is how can we deepen our connection to the Rebbe. Learning the Rebbe’s Torah is a direct way of connection.

For many of us, however, the text can become a barrier. Here’s the breakthrough:

In this publication, rather than a mere translation of the maamer, you will discover tools designed to empower you with the skills to be able to interact with the words of the Rebbe itself. These tools include a word bank for challenging terms, guidance on paragraph transitions, thought-provoking questions, and more. They equip learners at any level to engage directly with the Rebbe’s words, unfiltered.

This particular maamer of Hasaam Nafshein 5718, discussing Yud Beis Tammuz, also provides an excellent preparation for Yud Beis Tammuz.

Enjoy and feel free to share it with friends!

May this endeavor bring abundant nachas to the Rebbe.

-Chassidus Projects
[email protected]

Click here to download the maamar.


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