Why the Presidential Assassination Attempt is Relevant to Us

When a young man tried to assassinate the president in 1981, many believed that poverty was the cause of crime. The Rebbe argued that hardship drove people to accomplish great things and instead blamed the lack of values and belief in G-d. A relevant message for our times.

By Anash.org staff

Over the last two days, much discussion has been had about the attempted assassination of former president Trump, and what the Rebbe said about the assassination attempt of President Reagan. In these lines, we would like to outline the main points made by the Rebbe, and the relevance that extends to all areas of education.


On March 30, 1981, President Ronald Reagan was exiting the Hilton Hotel in Washington when he was shot and suffered a punctured lung. The shooter, 26-year-old John Hinckley, came from a wealthy family and during his grade school years, he played football, basketball, and was elected class president twice.

Two weeks later, on April 15, the president wrote the Rebbe a telegram wishing the Rebbe a happy birthday and acknowledging National Education Day. The Rebbe responded wishing him a speedy recovery and discussing with him their mutual understanding of the importance of education in the role of raising upright citizens.

At the Yud Aleph Nissan farbrengen, which was publicized on national television for all to hear, the Rebbe addressed the burning issue.

After wishing the president well, the Rebbe turned to speak about the urgent need to teach students morals and values throughout their education, and to remind students that there is a G-d that watches all of our actions.

The Rebbe strongly condemned the current educational trend where educators felt it was not their job to give over any morals or codes of ethics to their students; rather, they need just share knowledge with them and allow them the freedom to go on and choose their own chosen path.

The Rebbe also condemned the trending belief at that time that crime bred in poor neighborhoods with little to no opportunities for the inhabitants, who then, lacking other options, turned to destructive and dangerous behaviors.

Bringing up the example of the recent assassination attempt by a young heir of an extremely wealthy and respected American business family, the Rebbe refuted the above notion and blamed it on the aforementioned lacking in ethics taught in our schools.

The Rebbe went on to explain that children need to be guided and taught what is wrong and what is right. They need to know that stealing and killing are reprehensible acts, and they need to know that there is an A-lmighty Being above that watches and knows everything that is being done down here. When children learn about the presence of a G-d and that He can see any bad actions they do, they gain the inner moral strength to choose the right thing and not cause harm.


Today again, there is a popular rhetoric that crime and wrongdoing is simply the result of poverty and lack of opportunity. While we don’t yet know the exact details of Thomas Matthew Crooks, we can be sure that some will blame his wrongdoing on his circumstances. But in the Rebbe’s words, it is not life circumstances that prescribe a person’s destiny. With firm values and belief in G-d, we can make the right choices.



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  1. Thank you for the vital talk of the Rebbe. As was in 1981 relevant in its importance. Know that the Board of Education in the USA hasn’t “yet” listen to this vital advice from the Rebbe. How many children youngsters and adults have been needlessly killed in the last 40 years.

    With hope and prayer that morals conduct will come into our schools for a safer better USA. All in preparation in making this world a place of goodness and Kindness, through which it will usher in the coming of Moshiach speedily very soon.

  2. B’H

    Excellent message and article – Thank You!
    Should be shared on social media as a message to all

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