Day Camps Join Together for 24 Hours of Jewish Pride

From across the tri-state area, six Gan Israel day camps joined the CKids Gan Israel overnight camp in the Poconos, for the inaugural CKids CGI Overnight Experience instilling Jewish Pride and Joy in the over three hundred participants.


Count Your Mitzvos Like Money

When the Bergstein family entered yechidus, the Rebbe asked young Chaim Moshe how many strings he had in his tzitzis. When the boy didn’t know, the Rebbe taught him a lifelong lesson from money.


The Rebbe’s English Letters on Guilt

This week’s selection of letters includes a letter on how it is in our hands to turn over the consequences of the cause of the Three Weeks, and five letters on the topic of guilt and brooding over past failings.


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War Day 293: Drive-By Shooting, Hackers Dox Israeli Olympians

A failed Hamas rocket, launched from the designated humanitarian zone, hit an UNRWA school in Khan Younis, killing two civilians.

War Summary, Day 292 & 293: Two IDF soldiers were wounded—one moderately, and one lightly—in a drive-by shooting attack near the PA controlled village of Nabi Ilyas, an online group of hackers published photos with personal information of athletes in Israel’s Olympic delegation including personal ID, social media, passwords, family members, and photos of the athletes serving in the IDF, and hostage deal getting serious.


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Picture of the Day

As per the Rebbe’s directive to increase in Ahavas Yisrael during these days of the Three Weeks, Rabbi Eliyahu Ezagui hung a large banner with the words “Ahavas Yisrael” from his porch in Nachlas Har Chabad to inspire baseless love and hasten the coming of Moshiach.


Season Two of ‘Classic Take’ Podcast Launched for 3 Weeks

Hundreds of listeners worldwide have been exploring the fundamentals of Moshiach with the ‘Classic Take’ podcast, hosted by Rabbi Sholom Zirkind. Filled with intriguing questions and a wide range of topics, season 2 launched as we focus on Moshiach study during The Three Weeks.


My Weekly Shlichus, A Tribute To My Chavrusa

Mayer Silber shares a touching tribute to his JNet Chavrusah David Aiken, who recently passed. Their connection, formed through deep discussions and shared laughter, shows the transformative power of Chavrusah learning.


Lmaan Achai Starts the Summer with a Bang

The excitement started with a bang at Camp L’man Achai as staff and campers arrived on site from over 20 States and five countries and connected at lively davening, bentching, learning, fun activities, and trips.


Rabbi Gershon Nof, 85, AH

Rabbi Gershon Nof, a resident of Boro Park and patriarch of a large Lubavitch family, passed away on Tuesday, 17 Tammuz.


Complete Maseches Tomid During the 3 Weeks

As we begin the days of Bein Hametzorim, delve into the daily Avodah in the Beis Hamikdash with a concise daily shiur by Rabbi Mendel Yusewitz that makes the study of Masechas Tomid easier than ever.


Kashering a Microwave on Vacation? feature: Dayan Levi Yitzchok Raskin, Rov of Anash in London, explores interesting Torah questions and halachic dilemmas including carrying muktzah backhandedly, rinsing the Shabbos dishes, kashering a microwave, and showering after mikvah.

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